Qin Xia's car and the car of the Night Flag arrived at the Saiya hotel. The two saw each other, the mood became more heavy, and it was still lucky. Now there is a 780% affirmation. This is true.

"Night, are you going to catch rape? I heard that your wife and Xiao Han are open here, will not be true?" Qin Weude asked straightly.

The face of the night flaming is very unrest, and there is no saying that the fire rushed into the elevator.

"Go!" Qin Wei was also pulled into another elevator in Qin Xia.

The elevator is slowly rising, and several people are in an urgent, Qin Xia has not stopped in the land, and the hands are nervous, and the bags are tense: "I, I still don't want to go ..."

"Xia, do you want to die? Do you have a little bit?" Qin Wei was angrec about Qin Xiya's head, "I have been here to retreat, you can't live in a lie. ?"

"Sister, I ..." Qin Xia is looking forward to what, the elevator is coming, Qin Wei is not split, and the Qin Xica will go out.

At this time, the night flames have rushed to the 709 room door, knocked a few goals, there is no reaction inside, he is going to play the feet ...

Qin Wei's heart is almost everything to jump out. I hope that Qin Wei is said to be fake, Xiao Han and Blue Qianyu are not in it. . .


In the room, Xiao Han was fascinated and found that he was lying in bed with Blue Qianyu, and it was very horrified. He didn't respond yet, "-" said a repertore, the room was kicked by people.

Night flames saw the scene in the room, shocked, angry roar: "Xiao Han, you have this animal, I kill you ------"

Said, he rushed in like a beast,

Outside, Qin Xica is reaches that the shock of the wooden chicken is in the original place, and the head bombards, all the luck and expectations are there.

"Xia, you look, I didn't lie to you?" Qin Wei said excitedly, "Xiao Han and Blue Qian Yu are in it, let's go in and see. Fast !!!!"

"No, no, this is not true ..." Qin Xica tears, and then retreat to leave.

"What are you going? Go in and see the true face of Xiao Han's bastard." Qin Wei was strong in Qinshiya. .


Blue thousands of blue woke up, the line of sight is blurred, see Night flames and Xiao Han to become a group, her instinct wants to stop: "Don't hit, don't beatented ..."

"Why, why? I am so good to you, why do you want to be like this?" "The night flames grabbed the shoulders of the blue thousand feathers, and she shaken her crazy." Why do you want to betray me?? ""

Blue Qian Yu is shaking his dizziness, fascinating: "I don't, I don't ..."

"Why do you want to be like this? Why?" "The night flames were crazy, but they can't hurt the blue millet, and they went back to play Xiao Han," Wang Ba Easter, I kill you - "

At this time, Qin Wei and Qin Xia rushed into the room. Qin Xia saw Xiao Han and Blue Qianyu did not wear clothes, and the heart was cut. However, when Xiao Han was beaten to break the blood, she was in her heart, and she rushed over. Raise the night flame: "Don't hit, don't beaten ..."

Xiao Han got a little, consciousness wakes some, lifting the scene in the room, vaguely found that it is not right ...

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