The night flames were crazy, and the dagger on the ground will flounce the Xiao Han. Xiao Han's arm is stabbed by the dagger, but he responded very quickly, and the night flames planted forward, the dagger in his hand was just Mrs. Winnie in the thorn ...

Blood and four splashes, the Winni lady fell on the spot, and the dagger was inserted in her abdomen.

"Ah !!!" Qin Wei and Qin Xia were screaming.

Xiao Han and Blue Thousand were shocked. . .

Night flames are in the original place, and they looked at their own hands. He didn't think about hurting people. He just wanted to teach Xiao Han, did not expect this. . .

"Heaven, the night is killing people !!!!"

I don't know who shouted, the reporters outside have come in, and take pictures of the night flames and Winnie, and the shadow of the clothes is not taken in.

Xiao Han returned to God, quickly found a bathrobe set on the body, then pulling it under the blue queen, helping her. .

At this time, the police came, the room was chaotic, the cry of Qin Jia sisters, the reporters were rumored to ask for a question.

The police will take the night flame after understanding the situation.

Blue Qian Yu immediately rushed to pull the night flame, panicked to the police: "He is not intentional, he is not intentional, you can't take him ..."

"Apologize, even if it is not intentional, the night will indeed hurt people, we can't think." The police made a handcuffs to night flames.

Night flames did not resist, looked up, see a pair of deep eyes in the crowd, Han Xiu City, this person has been calm, and now I saw the night flames, and his lips raised the wins. . .

Night flaming finally understood, I got it myself! ! !

All of this is Han Xiu City and Qin Wei's bureau. Before an hour, Blue Qian Yu also called him at home, even if you can come here in such a short period of time, you can't happen so quickly. Relationship, that several condoms are obviously those who deliberately put it there, the purpose is to stimulate the night flames, let him make too much, and these reporters and police are all in advance. .

In order to be able to witness everything at a critical moment. .

Blue Qian Yu is not wrong, Han Xiucheng has problems, and he is very likely to be Xiao Qi, because only Xiao Qi knows the soft ribs of the night flames, from the beginning to the end, the night flames are taboo Blue Qian Yu and Xiao Han's relationship, I am afraid that he is now not completely released ...

In the mall, no one can knock down the night flame;

In private, no one can fight over the night flame;

Only this thing can make the night flames crazy, lose ration, but it is just a moment, so I want to defeat him, you must seize the opportunity of the moment.

And that dagger, "help him a force" when you lose rationality in the night flame! ! ! !

"Master ..." At this time, Zhao Jun hurriedly came, seeing this scene, he was shocked, "How can it be?"

"Sin, night, please take us." The police said to Night Flag.

"Please give me a minute!" The emotions of the night flames have completely resumed calm.

The police face each other, and finally let him go, he said to Zhao Jun: "With a small lady home, protect her and young master."

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