"Master ..." Zhao Jun was about to say something, but he was blocked by the night flames, and finally said, "Yes!"

The night flames are tangled to look at the blue millet, and the blue millet cry shook his head: "I believe me, I really don't ..."

"I know." Night flaming interrupted her, reached out of her face, said, "Sorry, I misunderstood you, I always don't believe you, every time I have impulsive, maybe This time, the disaster of prison is to punish my punishment, punish my inexpensive. "

"Flame ..." Blue Qian Yu feels very self-blaming, "I am not good, I always give you trouble, and I will be tired again."

"No, I have been tired, I am too impulsive ..." The night flames clearly, that person wants to deal with him, Blue Qian Yu is only used to retaliate.

"You are really impulsive." Blue Qianyu said, "I have already told you that people I love are you, you are not believed, it will be wrong because of this ridiculous thing."

"I admit that I am a little impulse, but what about you? If you really don't mean Xiao Han, why will you run to the hotel with him?" The night flame thought of this.

"I ..." Blue Qian Yu recalls the things that have happened before, and it is inevitable that there is a sense of guilty. If it is not because they care about Xiao Han, maybe there will be no happening, but she is really no men and women. It is purely for your concern.

"You don't have noisy." Zhao Jun as anxiously, "When you arrive at this time, you still don't understand, don't you understand? You are all accountive."

"Even you have seen it." Blue Qian Yu frowned, "I have long felt wrong, but unfortunately, things have become a foregone."

"Xiao Han gone." Zhao Jun whispered to a sentence.

Night flames and Blue Thousands were turned to see, and the Si Hui rushed over to two bodyguards and took Xiao Han. The police followed Xiao Han, saying that I would like to ask him to go to the police, Xiao Han should, follow them together, walk together When he arrived at the door, he looked back and looked at Blue Thousand.

Blue Qian Yu is going down, didn't look at him.

Xiao Han also watched the night flaming and left.

"This matter is also a victim. Who is it to want to have you?" Zhao Jun asked puzzled.

"He is not a victim to be considered. He is not a person who has no brain, why is it taken to get a bed?" "Night flames still don't believe Xiao Han," He is a smart person, should not be committed Low-level mistakes. "

"He should not harm to us." Blue Qianyu said softly, "even if he has no brotherhood, he will not take me."

"The young lady is right." Zhao Jun said, "I also think that Xiao Han will not do this."

The night flame is very uncomfortable. He doesn't like him to biary Xiao Han, but at this time, he doesn't want to argue again.

"One minute, I've gone." The police reminded.

"Master Winnie is only injured, it should not be killed." Zhao Jun whispered, "I will investigate this matter."

"Your most important task is to protect young people and young master!" The night flame left this sentence to leave.

Zhao Jun immediately contacted the night's unloading lawyer to rush to the police station, then said to Blue Qian Yu: "Mrs. Young, I will send you back, I have already negotiated with the police, they will give you a video to you!"

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