Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 613 is not optimistic 6 (there is a mistake, has been modified)

When I heard these words, Leizie was shocked, how would be like this?

Who is the Wen Miss?

Who is the young master and the lady?

Does the Night flame and Qian Yu?

No, the night flame did not encounter what surnamed Wen Miss, and Bo Wei is called thousands of lady, never calling a lady ...

Xiao Jinpeng, this name is some familiar. . .

Leizie thought about it, suddenly realized, yes, Xiao Jinpeng is Xiao Qi and Xiao Han's father! ! ! !

What should be said to be a loyal parent, and the Miss Temina is the mother of Xiao Han, the sister of Wemewhere is like! ! !

Is it a Wemeworn? ?

Leisie remembered that Xiao Han gave her a text message to her, with the words heard now, soon with some of the clues, Wemewood should be really problem, because the grievances of the last lifetime So if you want to revenge night. .

"You said, it is impossible." Bo Mao's emotion is a bit excited. "Our young master is very good with the lady, he can't help between the two women, it is even more likely to die, Miss Wen Miss, Miss Wen Miss It is an accident. "

"I don't tell you, you better don't appear again, otherwise I will tell you." Bao Wei was shivering, and did not happen directly.

Le Le quickly hid the stairs, and the emotions of Boke were some uncomfortable, did not return to the emergency room, but went to the toilet ...


Le Lee's mood is more difficult, I didn't expect the father and Xiao Han's mother who didn't think of the emotional entanglement. This generation is also entangled, but also a good blue quarter, now the grievances It is finally a paragraph.

But what does the words that Boke say? Is Xiao Han mother's death related to the night home?

Also, the parents of the Night flame are also paid, and there is no connection between these two things?

I used Leles never pays attention to those things. Now I want to come, I should first go to investigate.

"Out?" At this time, the excited inquiry of the emergency room came out of the emergency room, and Le Le was so busy. Phone.

Leles didn't have time to cover up and hurried came to the emergency room.

Blue Qian Yu welcomes the past: "How is the grandfather? Nothing?"

"Yeah, the old man is nothing wrong?" Zhao Jun and Li Wei were eager to ask.

"Sorry, we ..." The doctor did not finish it, the blue milf is scared, and it is almost planted, and Leizie rushed over to help her.

"The young lady first listened to me." The doctor immediately explained, "After our first aid, the old man's life is to keep it, but now it is already in the stroke state, it can only be sick in bed, there is no consciousness in the short term, so ... "

"What does that mean?" Blue Qian Yu asked excited, "said it is in bed, there is no consciousness, this is not equal to the vegetative?"

"I'm almost." The doctor nodded, "But if you have a good thing, it may have a transfer."

"How can this be?" Zhao Jun has a low head, "the owner has been imprisoned, and now, even the old grandfather will do things, what should we do?"

"This news must not be passed out, otherwise it will not easily rose the stock will fall straight." Leisi said.

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