"It's too late!" The sigh of the deputy president of Li. "Before I came, the news of the old woman was passed out. Now the Financial Economics has been so booked, saying that the old crow is not yet, but also said the night ... "

"How did this news came so fast?" Le Lee frowned, "Is it a hospital to pass?"

"It is definitely not." The doctor immediately explained, "starting from the night of the old lady to the hospital, we strictly guard against the news, did not let the media mixed, now how can you tell the media?"

"Who is it to pass?" Asked Vice President Li.

"This ..." The director doctor wrinkled, "I am afraid I have to investigate."

"I will have to investigate. If it is the responsibility of the hospital, we will never do it." Zhao Jun severely warned.

"Don't say these first." Queen's question, "The grandfather's disease is really no longer saved?"

"We really do our best." The doctor said sincerely.

"These are the best doctors in the United States, and the old ladies will arrange after the hospital." Bo Wei said heavyly, "In fact, the old man is not suitable before the old man, when I went to France, I have improved, but later because of the young master The thing is coming back, I am angry and worried, my body is now ... "

"I blame me, I always let Grandpa worry." The eyes of Blue Thousands wet.

At this time, Xiao Qianyi woke up, Zhang Wang looked around, "Wow" cried, he often spent it in the hospital when he was young, so it would be afraid to see the hospital in the hospital.

"Don't cry, thousands of wings ..." Blue Qian Yu has been with heart.

"Mrs. Young, I will take a young master first, here there is us." Zhao Jun is in a traveler.

"Yeah, the child stays in the hospital is not good, you will go back first." Vice President Li said.

"I want to take the thousand wings to take a look at Grandpa." Blue Qian Yu said with tears. "I have been busy with my don't come to the grandfather. Grandpa has long been thinking about the thousand wings, but I have never seen it. I really regret it now, I didn't have much time to explore his old man. "

"Now, the old lady just first aid, we are not convenient to visit him, you still take the thousand wings to go back and rest, come back a few more time." Leishawish her, "Ok, I will send you back."

Said, Leizie can't leave the blue thousands of feathers, but also to you, "I will give you here, there is a call."

"it is good."


On the way back, the blue thousand is heavy, and the face is facing the tears.

The sorrow is always coming, she feels tired, all confidence is disintegrated.

"Qian Yu, I know that you are very chaotic now, but some things, I still have to tell you." Leles whispered, "Burg has a problem."

Blue Qian Yu is shocked, looking at him wrong: "It is impossible, Bo Wei is so loyal to the night."

"Yes, he is really faithful, but he also has his own weaknesses." Leager said, "Someone threatened him with his nephew, let him neglect the duties, then take the opportunity to mix in the night, the night, the night, the old man heart disease recurrence "

"Is this true?" Blue Qian Yu is very incredible, "How do you know? Will there be a misunderstanding?"

"There is no misunderstanding, I heard it foremost." Leishake said, "But Boke is very self-satisfied and regret, it should not hurt the night old woman, so I didn't reveal him."

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