"The warmer is too polite." Blue Qian Yu smiled, "Now the night is a trough period, you can also invite me to participate in the dinner, I am very grateful."

"The night is like this, although the night home has a point, but the night group is still the leader of the US market, who dares to neglect?" Wenhai smiled.

"The rare minister is deeply defined." Blue thousand is grateful.

"Polite, please sit." Wenhai pointed to the position around Qin Wei, now only such a vacancy.

Blue Qian Yu is preparing to sit down, Qin Wei suddenly covered the nose, said in English: "Be smest! So how can you have a hob?"

Those officials looked at her surprised, and I didn't understand why she suddenly said this.

Weming Hai knows that Qin Wei is deliberately targeting Blue Thousands, it is inevitable.

Han Xiu City low heads, there is no response.

The face of Blue Thousand is stiff, but there is nothing to react, elegant sitting down.

"Oh!" Qin Wei was laughing at Blue Qian Yu, "There is a lot of new things in this year, and the wild chicken can become a phoenix."

Those officials finally understood, she was talking about Blue Qianyu, and they watched Blue Thousands of eyes became strange.

Blue Qian Yu has a tightness of the wine glass, and the crystal tears have emerged in the eyes. In fact, there are so many things, she is not so fragile now, but she is to deliberately put it to Han Xiu City.

Han Xiu City saw her like her, very uncomfortable in his heart, wrinking eyebrows immediately, reminding Qin Wei, whispered with Chinese: "Don't make trouble."

"Cough, give me a face." Wenhai also made the eyes toward Qin Wei.

Qin Wei was unfortunately, stood up and stand: "The air is not good, I will go toilet."

Then I got a blue thousand feathers, got up and left, got out of a few steps, she turned back to Han Xiu City low: "Still sitting there? But not help me?"

Han Xiu City's face is very unlookable. Qin Wei is such a big sister. It will never take into account the feelings of others, even if there is no face in such an occasion.

"Let Xiusheng chat with several ministers here, I will let my secretary help you." Wenhai sinister Han Xiu City.

Qin Wei saw that the Wenhai opened, and it is indeed a good opportunity to finish the people, so there is no need for a bruises and Han Xiucheng, smiling nod: "Well, thank you for the Minister of Wen."

"You're welcome." Wenhai made a eye, and the female secretary immediately walked in the past to hold Qin Wei.


Qin Wei was gone, and the atmosphere was temporarily eased.

One of a young official has been playing blue thousands of feathers, asking: "Wen Minister, I would like to ask this beautiful lady ..."

"Oh, Louis Earl, you haven't returned home for a long time, so I don't know." Wenhai smiled and introduced, "She is a young lady of the night, the night's night, Mrs.". "

Blue Qian Yu looked up and looked at the young official. He still was handsome. At this time, he was looking at Blue Qian Yu, and his face smiled with a gentleman.

"It turned out to be a lady at night." The smile of the Louis count, obviously disappointed, "So young, I thought it was a unmarried girl."

"The night of the night has children." Han Xiu City faintly inserted, he didn't like other people to look at the blue thousands of feathers.

"Do you have children?" Louis Earl is even surprised.

"Yes." Blue Qian Yu Xiao smiled.

Louis Pu was like a soul: obsessed with her: "The night is so beautiful!"

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