"Thank you!" Blue Qian Yu smiled and politely responded to the praise of Louis.

"I just saw the words of the night to say that the media reporter said, I should not call the night, it seems that there is no roster with the night?" Another man who was a little bit a little looked deep deeply.

"No rival?" Louis Earl is bright.

"Yes, I did say what I did." Blue Qianyu said faintly. "Do you like how to call it, a night, or Miss, I don't mind."

"I prefer to call you Miss Blue." The eyes of Louis flicked with the same brilliance.

At this time, the hall sounded melodious music, and some men and women in invited into the dance pool and jumped with romantic Waltz.

Louis Earl stands up, very gentleman's invitation to invite Blue Qianyu: "Don't know if Miss Lan is going to dance with me?"

Blue Qian Yu hesitated, is preparing to promise, Han Xiu City suddenly said: "Temperature, do you just say something to talk about new contracts? Is it better to go to the conference room."

"Oh, okay." Wenhai stood up, other seniors stood up together, this new contract, these seniors want to know.

"Louis Earl, dance is still waiting to jump, it is important." The elderly senior officially reminded.

Louis Bojue frowned, what is going to say, Blue Qianyu smiled: "You are busy, I am lost."

Then she got up and left ...

Louis Coat looked at her back, and his eyes were very lost.

"The meeting room is there, let's go." Wenhai enthusiastically greeted.

A group walked to the meeting room, one of the high officials laughed: "Earl of Louis, you will not be your wife? Is this a legendary love?"

Louis Earl smiled slightly: "Miss Blue is really beautiful! Right, Caesar Say, I just said that she didn't have a lot of money with night? Isn't they really husband and wife?"

"She he said to the media." The Caesar Tita said, "I heard that I was married three years ago, and later although compound, I didn't have a remarre."

"That is not a real husband." Louis Mud smiled.

Han Xiu City deeply saw him, how did these stinky men, how do you do the idea of ​​Blue Qian Yu?

"It seems that you are very interested in the woman." Down another young high-end official smiled, "The woman is not simple, sticking her man can be planted, you are careful."

"What do you mean?" Questional Question.

"Hey, you don't even know these things." Caesar Single Trusted, "Why is the Night Flakes, now because of her? He put this woman and Xiao Han in bed, irritating under the anger Cold, and then inadvertently stabbed Winnie, so they were arrested. "

"Caunch in the bed?" Louis Earl heard the word, the face became a bit stiff, thought about it, "is not right," no, since the night flames are blue and Xiao Han, why Winnie lady Will it be present? Will it be hurt in the night flames? "

"This matter, you have to ask Han Chuan, the two things in Qin Night are very big, but some things have been confidential, we are not very clear." The senior officials looked at Han Xiu City.

Earl of Louis also looked to Han Xiu City.

Han Xiu City avoids lightly saying: "Because Xiao Han is in love with my wife's sister Qin Xia, the family gets the news, before confirming that thing, I didn't expect my mother-in-law unfortunately."

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