It turned out to be true. "Louis Mie frowned," Then do you really see Miss Blue and Xiao Han? I think she is not like that kind of person. "

"Cut, the woman's eyes are like discharge, how can be not that kind of person?" Caesar sung said, "I see her is a woman who is not a woman."

"Caesar, you seem to have a big prejudice to Miss Lan?" Louis Mud stared at him, "said sentences to her."

Caesars will be changed immediately: "No, I, I am talking about the Route, you don't want to be angry."

Louis Earl did not say anything, and again to see Han Xiu City.

Han Xiu City touched the nose, saying: "At the time, she was in bed with Xiao Han, and the two were not hanging ..."

Some people have smiled, and then he read the Louis Earl and did not dare to say more.

Louis Earl did not speak again, his face was very good.

"Okay, we don't want to discuss these things. Let me talk about business." Wenhai transfer topic.

"I went to the bathroom, you slowly chand it." Louis Earl left.

Han Xiu City looked at his back, and the doubt question: "What kind of person is Louis Earl? Everyone seems to be very taboo."

"He is not small." Caesar said coldly.

"Oh, it turns out." Han Xiu City has a little false, I didn't expect this man who saw Middle Blue Qianyu to have such a head, and he asked again, "He is the British royal family, why do you do business in the United States?"

"You ask if you are too idiot," Wenhai is cold and cold, "The business field is not divided into the national world, as long as he has enough ambitions and financial resources, you want to fish."

"Wen Dynasty is right." Han Xiu City's face is not natural.

Those who have a different look at her, although the Qin family's trend is more than the Wen family, and Han Xiu City is now the president of Qin family, but it is only the only Non, a little momentum before Wenhai. nothing.

"Okay, you advanced the meeting room, I am waiting for the Louis Earl." Wenhai said.



Blue Qianfei has a glass of juice sitting in the corner to rest, she doesn't want to pay attention, but it is too much, some people notice her.

"Miss Blue." A clear voice came from behind.

Blue Qian Yu returned, saw a Qing-Jun Handsome face, is the Earl of Louis, he took a cup of cocktails, smiles, and looked at her, and the eyes were faintly flowing with inexplicable love.

"Hello!" Blue Qianyu looked at the Earl of Louis, but the heart was not bad. The people she wants to wait clearly, how did this also meet this Louis Earl?

She also wants to pick up the relationship between Han Xiucheng and Qin Wei, and also found the point clue in Han Xiu City, but now I have been dismustted by this Louis.

"I just want to ask you to dance, but there is something, but I don't want to participate in that meeting, I don't know if you can't enjoy the face ..."

"Apoget!" Blue Qian Yu interrupted the words of Louis, "I don't want to dance. I still have something, I am withdrawn."

She turned and went, but the Earl of Louis once again called her, "Miss L.!"

Blue Qianyu brow wrinkles, don't want to care about him, but I think that the guests tonight are not rich, she can't help, just look back, watch him: "Well?"

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