Louis Earl went to Blue Qian Yu, sincerely said: "I have heard some bad rumors about you, but I believe you are a good woman, maybe I am taking place tonight, but please believe that I don't have me. Malicious, I just want to make friends with you. "

When I heard these words, the heart of Blue Qianyu was slightly touched. No one has been believed in her. The Earl of Louis is just a person who meets. They have not said a few words, but he is willing to choose her.

This makes her feel very pleased.

"Thank you!" Blue Qian Yu is very grateful.

"I have seen melanchiness from your eyes, no matter what the life encounters, it will always pass." Louis Earl smiled at her, "your eyes are clear, I believe that you also have a pure heart. "

"You really let me be a bit embarrassed." Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed, in fact, she came here with a bad purpose tonight, and people who have contacted people, but in front of this person Willing to believe her.

"This is my business card." Louis Earl handed a platinum business card to Blue Qianpun, "If there is any need to help, you can contact me at any time, I will definitely."

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu took a business card, there is no extravagance in the heart, no one in the United States can fight against Wemai and Qin, this Louis is just an uninterested count, I can't help her.

"Rouza Earl!" At this time, Weminghai hurried over, "Everyone is waiting for you."

"These businessmen are so annoying." Louis Earl helpless booths.

"Oh ..." Blue Qian Yu smiled gently, did not expect him to have such a humorous side.

"You finally laughed, this is the happiest thing I am tonight." Louis Earl rushed her blink, "I have to go, I will talk later."

"Okay, goodbye." Blue Qianfei sent him to leave, she found that Wemai's attitude is very arbitrary, even some compliments, is this Louis Earl still have other powers?

Blue Qian Yu didn't think much, looking back in the crowd in searching for Lelei's figure, but I can't find it, I don't know where he was got by the group of girls.

People around them are pointing to Blue Qian Yu, this luxurious hall is not to her, she feels not meaningful here, simply go to the garden.


Blue Qian Yu went to the garden for nearly half an hour, is preparing to go back to the main hall, and suddenly see a familiar figure.

"I didn't expect it to meet you here." Han Xiu City is standing about the distance from the Blue Qianyu ten meters. One hand is inserted in the trouser bag, and the other hand holds the mobile phone, and the eyes look deep deeply.

"Yeah, it's really clever!" Blue Qianyu is very light, but the heart is secretly happiness, it is so good, she has never gone with Han Xiu City alone, I didn't expect this opportunity, maybe this is Tianyi, now In the evening, she must figure out who is the black hand behind him.

Han Xiucheng is very cautious, and I have a big temple that is not far away. I know: "Are you coming with Leizie?"

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, quite casually said, "I don't know where to go, I didn't find a circle, maybe it's going."

"Oh, this way." Han Xiu City is clearly relieved, he doesn't want to provoke here, do not want Leigh to find anything, I heard that Leles left, his heart was awkward. .

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