"The man said so." Blue Qian Yu took the mouth, "You, the Earl of Louis, there is a warm minister."

"What ???" Han Xiu City is horrified, "Wen Minister is also to you ..."

Donned, he was confused, "It's impossible, he is not good."

"Yes, because he is not good, I have a high trust in him." Blue Qian Yu smiled, "he said that my temperament is very similar to his sister, but also said some strange words, I also listen I understand, I think he is very sincere. "

Han Xiucheng's brow frowned tightly. He knew that Wenhai once loved his own sister, that is, Xiao Han's mother, this secret is not a few people know, it is more impossible to disclose it.

It seems that Blue Qian Yu is true, Wemewood This old fox, I like me as a dog, but I want to get the property of the night and Qin family, and he also deliberately helped Qin Xia, let her find me There is a problem, one day later, he will kick me one foot.

It's so fast now, he will grab a woman with me, if you continue to let him put it, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid that than night flames.

"You have a good relationship with Temperature, now I have a partner, I have a business." Blue Qian Yu Trial, "If he really thinks about me, do you dare to compete with him?"

"What do I not dare?" Han Xiucheng said that "Wen family is also the hand of Qin family, not to mention that he is already so old, what qualifications to compete with me?"

"Don't say this." Blue Qian Yu smiled faintly, "Although the warm minister passed by fifty, but the style is full, it is quite attractive."

"What is he attractive?" Han Xiu City said that "he is a metamorphosis, like his own sister ..."

"What do you mean?" Blue Qian Yu is a horror, pretend to be incredible, in fact, in his heart, it has been determined in the heart, it seems that Wemewood is indeed behind Han Xiu City, otherwise he can't know such a confidential thing.

It seems that the things heard before Leizie is true. Wemeworry likes Xiao Han's mother, because the grievances of the previous generation should be returned to the night.

"Nothing." Han Xiu City Transfer Topics, "Some of him is not a good person, you think about itself, a man in a fifty years, the normal man, no children, there is no woman around, this is normal?"

"It is indeed a bit abnormal." Blue Qian Yu is awkward, "But ... Do you have anything?"

"Why do you ask this?" Han Xiucheng wrinkled.

"Before he told me some bad things about you, I feel very incredible, now you say he ..." Blue Qian Yu bites the lower lips, did not continue to say.

"What do he say?" Han Xiu City's face is very good.

"Forget it, don't say it, the woman's mouth can't help it." Blue Qian Yu didn't want to continue, "We still return to the main hall, in case your wife is not coming."

"Wait a minute." Han Xiu City took her, "What did he say to you?"

He is afraid that Wenhai leaked his identity, in case the blue thousands of feathers know that he is Xiao Qi, then his future can be finished.

"In fact, I didn't say anything." Blue Qianyu said softly, "he said you ... depends on a woman, in order to achieve the purpose, you can be a woman's dog, saying that this man is not equipped with him ..."

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