"There is this reason!" "Han Xiu City is angry to teeth," The old fox, I insult me, "

Blue Qian Yu is shocked. Sure enough, the Wemewood is behind the scene of Han Xiu City, which is doubtful.

"On the three men, you most attract me." Blue Qian Yu Ping has a good mood, is close to Han Xiu City, "Because you are challenging, Qin Wei is not old for me? Then I will take her Husband, let her regret it. "

"You like it ..." Han Xiu City is going to be tempted by Blue Qian Yu, and a hand can't help but fall on her thigh.

Blue Thousand but pressed his hand, his body touched slightly, like him as a snake, and said in his ear: "Tonight, go to the hotel!"

"Okay ..." Han Xiu City is ecstatic, exciting sounds change, throat, once again urgent, hard to control her.

"Why is you rush to a time?" Blue Qianyu pushed the shoulders of Han Xiu City, and the red lips of the demon gently were gentle, said in her ear, "I heard that the Presidential Suite in the South China Sea Hotel can lying in bed to see invincible When you have love, you can also follow the rhythm of the waves, think about it, you feel very beautiful, you wait for me, I will come later ... "

"Well, I will go to open the house right away." Han Xiu City nodded again, and the eyes were shining with exciting light.

"Time is not early, I should go back to the main hall, see it late."

The long fingers of Blue Thousand kissed his beautiful lips, then put this kiss on the lips of Han Xiu City, left him a charm smile, and turned and left.

Han Xiu City looked at her graphic figure, and her mood was very excited. I took out my mobile phone to Qin Wei's call: "Temperature, I suddenly be a little urgent, first left, change again."

Hanging up the phone, he quickly walked to the parking ...

Blue Qian Yu came to the main hall back door, and the hand was placed on the door handle, looking back at the parking lot not far away.

Han Xiu City has a deep blue Lamborghini, which is very fast.

Blue Qianyu smiled coldly, immediately wrapped around the flower bed back to Zhao Jun -

"The plan started, we have to take the way of others,"


"Is the Susheng promised?"

"Yesterday, I talked about two hours, I've been a matter of life, although she was a little hesitant, but in the end, she still agreed, it seems that she really likes the owner."

"Maybe. But we also promised her to leave after the event, no need to continue to travel, this is also a favorable condition."

"Before the time, the owner left a back, did not drive her, and she didn't have a big sin, spend some money, now I am giving up."

"Hurry, remember to teach her to set out Han Xiu City, but also recording, after the event, the Qin Wei is in the past, an arrow double carving."

"Understand, young lady, you can rest assured, I have already put it, I will wait for this moment."

"I am waiting for you."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, the lips of Blue Thousands raised the curvature of the victory, and there was a lot of gains tonight. However, her mission has not completed it, she turned and walked to the main hall, this time, her goal is Wenhai! ! ! !

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