Blue Qian Yu let the driver put down Leigh in front, and she immediately immediately ordered: "Change the way."

"Yes." The driver immediately opened the car to a secluded small alley to avoid people who saw her car.

About more than 20 minutes later, Qin Wei's car came out from the Century Imperial City, like a headless flies, and obviously looking for Han Xiu City.

Blue Qian Yu looked at the mobile phone, Zhao Jun has not sent a message, and I don't know how Han Xiu City is ...

She wasted anxious, sent a text message to Zhao Jun: "What is the situation?"

"Justo just arrived at the hotel, I can't put news to Qin Wei." Zhao Jun replied.

"Well, I am fully staring, there is a situation to inform me right away."



Presidential Suite in South China Holiday Hotel.

Han Xiu City solved the tie on the sofa and drinking red wine. He was in his head. He was fascinated, and now calm down, he always feel that the blue thousands of blue thousands tonight are somewhat.

He was in love with her for three years, and he met for nearly ten years. He is very clear. She is not the kind of woman who will sell her own in order to benefit.

On the surface, she seems to be not very positive. In fact, she is particularly persistent to her feelings. Once they are determined, it will not change easily. .

But tonight, she seems to have a little enthusiasm.

Don't she deliberately tempting me? ?

Put me to this hotel, then take Weier to catch rape?

Moreover, Blue Thousands will not come, say not to ask her to buy a woman to temptation me, she is not willing to eat that loss.

Han Xiu City, the more I think it is possible, and the blue thousand is weak, but the heart is very strong, she is a wise policeman, and she really uses some very means to protect myself and my family. .

The night flames are coming soon, it is difficult to protect some plans for the sake of Night Flakes. .

Thinking of this, Han Xiu City is more uneasy, when he just opened a house, he left a hand, using a subsequent documents, although the outsiders do not necessarily find here, but he always feels uneasy, think about it, he decides to leave, It is not worth it for a while, it is not worth it.

Thinking of this, Han Xiucheng immediately put down the wine glass, pick up the jacket, ready to leave, open the door, could not help but stop.

"Blue Qian Yu" stands outside the door, but also wearing the blue dress just in the Century Huangcheng, a large wavy hair style, LV handbag, LV handbag, a luxurious shoes, which is set with crystal and fragmented diamonds. The makeup, including the color of the eye, is exactly the same as before, there is no problem at all ...

She is coming, she is really coming?

"Are you ready to pick me, or is it ready to go?" "Blue Qian Yu" is like a silk look, the smile of the lips with a fatal temptation.

"I ... Of course, I am going to pick you up." Han Xiu City took a blue thousand feathers into the room, and she took her on the door, holding her face, looked weight, "" You are really, I thought you were playing me. "

"In fact, I also hesitate ..." "Blue Qian Yu" sad sigh, will have a long ready line, "I am not a casual woman, will not go to bed with men, but now, I really walked no way After all, I still have to leave the road for my son, so I have to find a mountain! "

"I am your best to rely on the mountain ..." Han Xiu City couldn't help but kissed her ...

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