Han Xiu City can't wait, can't stand it.

I just started "Blue Qian Yu" half-pushed, soon quickly compromised, the two kissed the bed, wrapped around, critical moments, "Blue Qian Yu" asked to turn the light, she said that the light will feel very despread, Korean Xiu City is very distressed, and I am busy with the lights, and then I have an urgent there ...


Han Xiu City is excited, I feel that I finally got "Blue Qian Yu". .

In fact, he also felt some weird, her skin is not as smooth as he imagined, touched a lot of scars, and her breath with the blue millennium, the natural difference is also very different, he I also want to turn off the lights, but her enthusiasm will soon disseminate his doubts ...

Got her, is the wish of his life.

How can he miss this aesthetic opportunity.


Zhao Jun listened to the movement outside the door, knowing that the timing was suggested, immediately let people put the news, and the Qin Wei came over.

Qin Wei Lesheng is coming to Han Xiu City, it is already going to be crazy. If you get news, you will come here, but so, the people of Wemewhere also have news, and Wenhai personally took people to control the overall situation.


On the road, Wenhai fire rid of the roar: "I have long known that Xiao Qi guy has nothing to do, but I didn't expect him to be so bad. I was fascinated by a woman. If he is still a bit using value, I really don't want to manage him. "

"Temperators, you don't have angry, this kind of person is used to finish," followed by persuading, "you deliberately let him show the horse foot, not to think about the one-day person who borrows the night home, so I solve him after solving it? Now that Qin family's property has not yet arrived, you will then endure a while, wait another two or three months, you can solve him. "

"This waste is of course solved, but ..." Wenhai frowned, "I really didn't think that Blue Qian Yu's woman would go to the hotel, I thought she was only a set of teasing to kick him, she in order to save the night flames, It is really a trick. I don't know what my wife knows that my wife is in order to save him, and what kind of man will go to bed. "

"That is, the woman is not a good thing." As the attachment, "I also ran to play the piano, I insult the white piano, that is the general collection of the warmth."

The Wemewood did not speak, recalling Blue Qian Yu's scene on the stage, and the heart is inexplicably uncomfortable. She insults is only the piano, and there is still a temperature like ...

She is really a little, he is not as easy to deal with Han Xiu City, but also dare to confuse him?

See the ghost.


Blue Qian Yu is still anxiously waiting in the car, finally picks up the call of Zhao Jun, she likes to look out: "How? Qin Wei is coming?"

"The car has been going up the mountain." Zhao Jun said, "But she follows the warm sea behind her."

"What ????" Blue Qian Yu is a horror wide-eyed eyes, "How can this? How can he follow?"

"I am afraid he is discovered, what should I do now?" Zhao Jun asked in anxiously, "At that time, even if Qin Wei is losing with Han Xiu City, there is a warm sea to control the situation, and things will not reach the expected results."

"I know that he will doubt my intention, then prevent me, just didn't expect it to be so fast ..." Blue Qian Yu is a little panic, "Now I have to think about helping him, but what method can I think?"

She is thinking, the mobile phone suddenly has another call to come in, and is the Duke of Louis ...

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