Blue Qian Yu is bright, and immediately answer the phone: "Earl!"

"Miss Blue, I am very apologized, this time take the liberty to bother you." Louis Pisher is a gift saying, "I just want to verify that this phone number is you? It's really embarrassed, I spend a lot of mind to get your mobile phone number……"

"In fact, when you give me a famous film, I should leave your mobile phone number to you. At that time, I was very negligent to forget. It should be that I am not so embarrassed." Blue Qianyu's voice is soft.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. It is good to contact now." The Earl of Louis is very happy. "I thought you would be angry."

"How can I?" Blue Qian Yu smiled, "Hey, today is not smooth, go back to the road, I am still trapped in the alley near the Century Dynasty."

"Yes? Just, I haven't left the Century Dynasty, I will pick you up." Louis Bo is expected.

"Okay, just I have something to ask you to help." Blue Qian Yu took the opportunity to guide, "I just don't know that you are inconvenient."

"Of course, it is convenient." Louis Bo said not to answer, "I said before, Miss Lan has something to do. I must help. I have been looking for you now, wait for us to say."

"It's actually a little thing." Blue Qian Yu said, "I just want you to be a middleman, please see the side, about my husband, I want to ask him to help."

Louis Bo is smashed, and there is not a bit loss in his heart: "It turned out to be about your husband."

"You don't want?" Queen Blue Qian Yu Trial.

"No ..." Louis Earl quickly explained, "Although it is a bit lost, this also proves that you are a good woman, my eyes are not wrong. There is of course no problem, when I want to see him? I will arrange. "

"That's now." Blue Qian Yu is condensed, "I have to start in a day for twenty days. I hope to find a solution as soon as possible. I know that tomorrow's warm minister will go abroad. I want to follow him before he left. He talks about it. Route, if you can help me, I will be grateful! "

"This is just a little thing, it doesn't matter." The Pissed of Louis said that "Temperature and Minister did to do things tomorrow, it is half a month, then delay your husband's time. This way, I will give him right away. A phone call, let him return to the Century Dynasty, we can talk about it in the study. "

"Well, thank you very much." Blue Qian Yu is a little excited, "Then you have called him, I will go to the Dynasty, I can find him, can you ask him?"

"No problem, this face will give me it." Louis Curu said to say.

"Thank you, I have passed, I will see it."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qianyu is happy, and quickly told Zhao Jun, telling Zhao Jun, let Zhao Jun stares at Wenhai, will stop in halfway.

Sure enough, a few minutes, Zhao Jun used a telescope to see the warm sea car and stopped and turned back.

"Success!" Blue Qian Yu smiled, "I really met your noble tonight. I didn't expect this Louis March to help me so much."

"I think there is another more important reason is that Wemewood I heard that you were in the Century Emperor, thinking that women in the Hano hotel is not you, so they will relax."

"Of course, I just use this illusion to bring him back, otherwise it will be when the Water Sea may be?"

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