"But you can also explain a problem, Louis Pu is indeed very powerful, otherwise the Wemewood will not give him a face. If he changed other people, he will go to the half-mountain hotel to witness a clear thing, so that you can two incorrectly. The person returned by him is the Louis Earl. He has to put down Han Xiu City. I estimate that the Louis Earl reminds him that it is very urgent, after all, it is very late. "

"What is the sacred Earl to the end, even the Wemewhered Hai is three points? I have never heard of it."

"I am not very clear, you check it."

"Okay. But I am tomorrow, now Qin Wei's car is getting closer, I have to go to do things first, let me pay it here, you can rest assured to deal with Wemide."


"Yes, when Qin Wei saw Han Xiu City and another 'Blue Qian Yu' in the hotel, Weminghai found another one you were in the Century Dynasty. Afterwards, they knew there questions about the mouth, and we were afraid how long."

"Qin Wei's woman is proud, absolutely does not allow such betrayal, after this thing is open tonight, her relationship with Han Xiu City will definitely break, and Wenhai will go abroad tomorrow, they don't have time and opportunities. For more, what is more, Wemewood is just useful to Han Xiu City, and will not help him with your mind. "

"To be right, let's reach the purpose first."

"Waiting for them to have a stiffness, I can find a chance to reveal the true face of Han Xiu City in front of Qin Wei, and then add Xiya to testify, Qin Wei has to accept reality, as long as Qin Wei is no longer helping Han Xiu City And Han Xiu City is nothing, we have to investigate the case of the church champion. "

"You are right, Han Xiu City is planted, we can also investigate Wenhai."

"Wemewood is not so easy to deal with, put it first, wait for the night to save it again."

"Well, young lady is really implied."

"It's forced. You go to do things."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu won his own handbag, with two bodyguards to the Century Dynasty.

Everything tonight is very smooth, although this means is a little despicable, she also feels not shameful, but she is also the way to him.

To deal with Wenhai and Han Xiu City, you have to use abnormal means, otherwise she can't fight with them.

It's good to have any losses, otherwise she is almost the night flames.

"Miss Blue!" A clear voice came, Blue Qianyu looked at it, Louis Earl quickly came, smiling and watching her, "I just said that your car has a problem, stopped in the small alley, I don't know which small alley you are, I am looking for you everywhere, what are you here? "

"You are looking for me everywhere?" Blue Qianfei asked, "I don't mean that I will pass? How long have you been looking for?"

"When we ended the call, I came out, I am afraid that you have a danger, so I want to pick you up." The Earl of Louis came over and put the coat on her, "the night is big, don't catch cold."

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu is a little uneasy, Louis Earl is a gentle body sticker, a good man, she uses him, really apologized, I don't know if I have been revealed, he will hate her.

"Get off." Louis Earl personally opened the door, "I need a road to walk back."

"Not far, it is better to take a walk." Blue Qianyu said.


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