Blue Qian Yu is really don't know what to say, in fact, in addition to "thank you", she can't express my mood at the moment.

But he no longer wants to listen to these two words, she had to say: "Well, hope, I will have the opportunity to return you."

"You take me a friend is the best return." The Earl of Louis smiled slightly. "The temperature should be so fast, let's take a break, I will go to the bathroom."

"Good." Blue Qianfeng nodded and sent him to leave.

After watching the wall, it was already a short thing in the morning. The things should be almost a foregone, but Zhao Jun has not sent a news. She is a little uneasy. I will take out the mobile phone to give Zhao Jun's text messages, just, Zhao Jun called. .

Blue Qianyu quickly took the phone to prepare to wash your hands indirectly. .

"Mrs. Night!" The voice of Wenhai suddenly came, Blue Qian Yu was shocked, hurriedly hangs, looking back at Wenhai, "Wen Minister!"

"It turns out that you are really here, I thought that Louis Earl is recognized." Wenhai means that he said, "I heard the old friend said, you have left Han ..."

"I think you misunderstood." Blue Qian Yu smiled, "I have never left here, my car is not far from the problem, then I have been sitting in the car, thinking about what way you should talk about it. Later, I was lucky to pick up the phone of Louis, and then I would ask him to help. "

"Is it?" Wenhai stared at her, "You are really unsaicited, only to meet the Louis Earl, he can help you, this honor, but even I haven't."

"The warmth is smirk." Blue Qian Yu is full of eyes, avoiding the gaze of Wemewood.

At this moment, Wenhai is no longer as good as before, his eyes sharp and sharp, with a stabbing, as if to see Blue Qian Yu, she is staring at him.

"Mrs. Night, you seem to be ringing." Wenhai stared at Blue Thousands of mobile phones, "What is important news?"

Blue Qian Yu is tight, but soon, it will recover calm: "Probably the bodyguards in the family ask me when I go home."

She picked up the phone while listening to the side of the Wemewood: "Hey!"

"Lady, Qin Wei has broken the door, and you will catch Han Xiu City and the Susbands, you have been raped in bed. Now that the room has been a piece, our plan is successful." Zhao Jun said excited.

"I still have something to do, go back later, you are optimistic about the young master." Blue Qianyu finished this sentence, and hang it straight.

On the phone, Zhao Jun faintly felt that Blue Qian Yu was somewhat incorporated, there is a person around you, it is not convenient to speak, he thinks, the heart is not shocked, is it a warm sea? She called before said that there is a Louis Earl to help the Wenhai, now Wenhai is probably returned to the Century Dynasty Hotel.

I don't know if the young lady will be dangerous, although there is that Louis Earl, but he is not his own, and this old fox is not good to deal with.

Zhao Jun wants to be worried, but he can't rush it now, think about it, he gave Leizie a phone call ...


"The night's bodyguard is really exhausted, so late, I also know how to call less, when is it going back?" Wenhai ridiculous.

"I am going to do something, now the night is the autumn, be careful." Blue Qian Yu responded.

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