Wenhai is cold and staring at her. It is preparing to say something. The mobile phone suddenly rang. He took out the mobile phone to answer the phone: "Miss Wen, Miss Qin Miss went to the bed, now I can't open in the hotel, you hurry Come and see. "

Wenhai eyebrows, how can it be like this? Blue Qianyu is clearly in front of him, how can I follow Han Xiu City in the hotel?

"Temperature ..."

"Do you make sure that is blue thousand?" Wenhai asked the sodgy of the blue milf.

"OK, I saw it in my own eyes." The eyeliner swayed.

Wemewood lifted his eyes and stared over the blue millet.

Blue thousand is light smile, there is no weakness of his gaze.

"How is the situation now." Wenhai whispered.

"Miss Qin Miss is very excited, in the room, the blue thousands of feathers should be hit, but the blue thousands are so powerful, grab her hand, and fight her two slaps, Miss Qin is so crazy, The bodyguards of Qin family have to move with the blue milf. The night's bodyguard Zhao Jun will come to the blue thousand Yu, now Qin Miss moves the baby, Qin family's bodyguard has notified Qin Xiang, Han Xiu City, I know, I know. Master, did you just follow it? How did we go? What should we do now? "

People who talk about the phone are the mountains. It is the Wemewood to go to Han Xiu City, and the surface is to help Han Xiu City to deal with some problems. It is actually monitored him.

"Let the waste diesel!" Wenhai angry dride, I hang up the phone, I looked and coldly squinted on the blue millet, and I couldn't smiled. "I can't see you so powerful, the night flame married you this The wife is really his blessing, which will seduce the man, will play a conspiracy !!! "

"The warm minister really lifted me, arguing that how can I get to you?" Blue Qian Yu smiled and looked at him. "Moreover, the warm minister has a skill. It is what I can't, that is a laughter This trick is truly poison, everyone is deceived by you. "

"Oh!" Wen Haixin Senssen stared at her, "Since there is already wearing it, then we have nothing to talk, you dare to fight, you must do adequate mental preparation."

"Thank you for reminding." Blue Qianyu smiled slightly, solemnly said, "Wen, I don't know what you are with the night, why do you know that I may have someone else, but I will never give up? Tonight is just a beginning. If you are not willing to let go of the night flame, then I have to continue to fight down. Even if I want to be blunt, I will not hesitate! "

"Okay, very good." Wenhai bite the teeth, "You rest assured, I will not let you lose bones, but you will definitely let you regret it."

"Yes?" Blue Qian Yu shouted lips, "Let's wait and see!"

Said, she picks up the handbag and gets up to go ...

"Mrs. Night." Wenhai hit her. "You spent so much thought to call me back, how can you talk?"

The voice is just falling, and the Wemewood is stopped with Blue Thousand, and the blue thousand brows wrinkle: "What do you want?"

"What do you say?" Wenhai arrogantly sat on the sofa, "Do you just say it? I have been prepared for adequate psychology. You dare to provoke me, of course, I have to pay the price."

"You don't mess, the Earl of Louis is still here." Blue Qianyu is angry.

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