Qin Xiang was cold in Han Xiu City, and immediately gave the warm sea. He won't listen to the word of Han Xiu City. To confirm that you want to give him a chance to give him a certificate.

Qin Xiang is taking the phone number of Wemewood, and Qin Xia's phone is playing. Recently, Qin Xia often gives Qin Xiang send SMS greetings, but Qin Xiang has grievances because she has a complaint with Xiao Han, so she didn't care.

Now on this bones, Qin Xia called again, he thought she would want to please him like she usually, restoring the father and women relationship, so they did not pay off the phone.

Then I dialed the phone of Wenhai, the phone quickly turned on, the voice of Wemewood appeared: "Qin Minister?"

"Temperature, there is a matter, I ask you." Qin Xiang asked straightly, "Are you in the Century Dynasty Dynasty Tonight? Invited Blue Qian Yu?"

"Yes, there is such a thing, what happened?" Wemewood pretended nothing, uneasy explanation, "You won't think that I am right with you? You can don't misunderstand, I invite her. It is only for a situation in a situation, and I don't want to help the night, even if she seduce me with means, I have nothing to ... "

"What ???" Qin Xiang is very horrified, "She really seduce you?"

"Hey, I didn't want to say this." Wenhai a vicinity of the brain -

"You know me, I am not near the woman in half, and I am the elder of the night, how can I make the shameless thing with her? This thing is really shameful, except for the show and my personal follow No one knows, I have seen such a big half night, you call it, I am afraid that you misunderstand, so I will mention it with you. "Don't go out."

"This hammer is really a man," Qin Xiang is angry with teeth, "It seems that the show is true."

"This is the show of Xiu City to tell you?" Wenhai fell into a wrong relatives, "This kid, I clearly tell him not to go out."

"I buddha, I have something to handle, goodbye." Qin Xiang passed the phone.

"Hey, you see, I didn't say anything, this thing tonight, I am really framed by Blue Qian Yu ..."

"Shut up !!!" Qin Xiang's fierce anger, "fly does not seamless eggs, if you don't have a problem, people will not seduce you, how can I not be fooled in Wemewood?"


"It is clear that you have a ghost in your heart, plus Weier is pregnant, you can't vent, so you will be fascinating." Qin Xiang pointed at the nose of Han Xiu City, "No matter how the process is, the tragedy has been produced, Wei The child is gone, you have hurt her sad, I will not let you stay in Qinjia, and give me it immediately. "

" -" Weier, I didn't dare to ask her forgive, but I ask you, let me spend this pain with her. "

"She doesn't need you with this kind of person, I will give me a roll right now." Qin Xiang was unfolding him, turned to go to the ward.

"Han Di ..." Han Xiu City begged him on the ground, "Hey, you want me to go, I will not rely on it, but I have a secret before I am leaving. I must tell you is about Mommy."

Qin Xiang immediately lived his footsteps ...

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