"What secret?" Qin Xiang urgently asked.

Han Xiu City is surrounded by an eye, whispered: "It is not convenient to talk, let's go to the Tiantai."

Qin Xiang hesitated, nodded to promise: "Good!"

All this is the bodyguard of Qin family. He does not believe that Han Xiu City dares to make anything, let alone, he feels that Han Xiu City will come to weak, there is no courage.

"Hey, this." Han Xiu City stood up and took Qin Xiang to the roof.

At this time, Qin Xiang's mobile phone rang again. Qin Xiya came, Qin Xiang is preparing to answer the phone, the ward, the cry of Qin Wei, Qin Hyster, came: "Child, my child ..."

Qin Xiang listened to his heart very sad, there was no mood, and he didn't want Qinshiya to know these things, worried in exotic hometown, so hang up again ...


Qin Xia has been hung by two fathers, she is in a hurry, and she is re-dialing. On the other hand, call the Blue Qian Yu with another mobile phone.

At this time, Leles' car has already opened to the hospital, and the two hurriedly came down from the car. When they ran to the maternity department, I received a call of Qinshia: "Xiya, how?"

"I hung up my phone, didn't answer, I don't know if it has already been there." Qin Xiya asked in anxious, "What happened? You told me."

Blue Qian Yu is lightly said -

"Your sister is aborted, I am related to Han Xiu City, your father knows the truth, I will take him out, we speculate that he is in order to stay in the Qin family, I am afraid I will not hurt your father.

Xia, you tried to give your father to send text messages, maybe he is scolding Han Xiu City, so he didn't listen to the phone, you texted, maybe he will see.

I have rushed to the hospital with Leizie. We will stop it right away. You must convince your father, you can't have a separate with Han Xiu City ... "

"Well, I will send text messages first."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, the blue thousand breath, the maternity is running, running stomachache, the legs are soft, they have to run.

"Qian Yu, you run slowly, keep in touch with Xia, I will drive first." Leisheng ran in front.

"Well, you will go." Blue Thousand waves hands.


Qin Xia sent a text message to Qin Xiang: "Hey, Han Xiu City is related to Mommy's death, he is now hurting now, you must go alone with him. Quickly answer the phone, beg you!"

SMS just sent it, Xiao Han came back, pushed the door, saw Qin Xiya to shake, full of sweating, he came over, concerned: "Xia, what happened?" What happened? "

"Xiao Han, my sister is aborted, I may have something to do, what should I do?" Qin Xia was embarrassed.

"How can this be? What is going on?" Xiao Han is eager to ask.

Qin Xia is in a hurry: "Blue Qianyu called Han Xiu City and you hurt me ..."

"Wenhai ???" Xiao Han frightened, and immediately called Wenhai. .


In the hospital, Qin Xiang has embarked on the stairs of the sky with Han Xiu City, and the mobile phone received a text message. He always took the mobile phone in his hand. He looked at it under the heart. .

He picks up the phone to see, Han Xiu City hurriedly urged: "Hey, here!"

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