Qin Xiang looked at Han Xiu City, found that there is only a faint lamp here, and there is a problem, the light is very dark, and there is a staircase on the turn, there is no light.

Han Xiucheng took the light standing from the four or five steps from him, the expression on the face was very anxious, and the eyes were somewhat embarrassed.

Qin Xiang felt more than a bit wrong, looking down and see SMS -

"Hey, Han Xiu City is related to Mommy's death, he is now hurting, you must not be alone with him. Quickly answer the phone, ask you!"

This sentence is shocking, Qin Xiang has a big eyes, think of this time, Qin Xia always calls him, texting, saying that the truth of mother is tragic, telling him, please talk about her.

But he thought she would like to say good words for Xiao Han and Blue Qian Yu, so I have never given her opportunities for her ...

Is it true that this thing really has.

"Hey, why don't you come up?" Han Xiu City's voice came, Qin Xiang looked up, he was already in the arrow, and he pushed him.

"Ah -" Qin Xiang screamed, rolling from the floor, the mobile phone in the hand also fell ...


The stairs, the bodyguards heard the sound, quickly rushed over, Yoshuben Wu stopped him: "Qin always talks about things, don't bother them."

"But I heard Qin's shouts." The bodyguard is uneasy.

"Maybe two people have been arguing a few words, what is so much strange?" Yamamoto said coldly, "I have seen it here, you go back."

"No." That bodyguard wanted to push the mountain's martial arts, Yamamoto Wen Yao, "Do you want to find it ?? I don't listen to me?"

That bodyguard is somewhat empty, retreats half a step, although the mountains in Han Xiu City, but because the crematorium protects the remains of Wen Ni, the trust of Qin Xiang is now rising by the bodyguard manager, these few Bodyguards don't dare to provoke him.

I have to get back to the side, silently low.


There are still more than a dozen steps to be Qin Xiang's life. Qin Xiang fell to the ground, then the blood is very blood, but he did not die, and he didn't fainted. He hilly wanted to stand up, Han Xiu City immediately rushed Holding his neck: "Don't die, do you dare to hit me?"

"Hey!" Han Xiu City also also had two slaps in Qin Xiang. "Do you really think that I am a dog in Qin? All day to call me, I have to drive me, I have already been Enough you. "

"You, you ..." Qin Xiang excitedly pointed to him, but did not believe that he was actually this kind of person, usually the good son-in-law on his service stickers, once again changed a huge face .

"Do you want to know the secret of your lady?" Han Xiu City patted Qin Xiang's face, hidden smile, "I told you that she is not killed at night, the night flame, there is no Her life, she is dead ... "

He said near Qin Xiang, saying in his ear, "Yamamu Wu's hand. That day, it is a doctor to mix into the hospital, giving your wife, sending her to see the king, but unfortunately, you still put him When a good person! This is called a look, I can't be died, if you can get a little more, I don't want to move you, but now there is no way, you have to rush me, I have to kill you - "

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