Qin Xiang looked at him and didn't dare to believe his ears. I didn't expect the truth to be like this. The night flames were not killed at the murderer killed by his lady.

The real murderer is the animal of Han Xiu City, and there is a scorpion of the mountains.

It turned out that Hiya is right, she has said that there is not that thing that is not that, and she cares to protect Han Xiu City, but he ignores the opportunity to explore the truth.

"You have been regretted now." Han Xiu City smiled coldly, "I have to blame you for a family too ignorant, believe in people, and your daughter is too stupid, stupid, it is easy to use, I There is no feeling of Qin Wei, or if it is for the property of Qin family, I will want her to be smelled? She is really she is? "

"You ... this animal !!!" Qin Xiang excited roar, push the Han Xiu City with force, and want to escape.

Han Xiu City took him on the ground, then grabbed his hair, hit his head and hit his head ...

" -"

A sound violent, Yoshubahiro hooded the iron gate at the stairs, and did not let the sound came out.

The Chinese bodyguards who have just found the problem of the smell of the sweat of Mei Ma, the more I want to be more and more, and he said to the colleagues around you: "Qin always has something wrong, let's take a look?"

"Don't find trouble, Qin always does not care, now Qin family is Han Ji, we are a bodyguard, take money." Other bodyguards whispered.

"But Qin always treats us very well, we can't watch him in an accident?" The Chinese bodyguard is very uneasy.

"Go to you yourself." A black bodyguard said coldly.

China's bodyguard looks back to the stairs, holding double punches, struggling, or taking courage walking: "Yamamoto manager, please let you open, I want to go in and see Qin."

"Do you make sure you have to work with me?" Yamamoto fiscally stared at him.

"Protecting the owner is my duty." China's bodyguards insisted in, the hands of Yamamu Wu have taken a gun, ready to solve him ...

At this time, Leizan is like a arrow, anxious to yell: "If Qin has made things, you can't afford it."

The movement of the mountains, the Chinese bodyguards immediately pushed him, rushed into the stairs ...

Han Xiu City heard the sound, the reaction was very fast, immediately pretended to be grieved: "Hey, you, how do you accidentally fall down the floor -"

"Qin is always!" China's bodyguard saw Qin Xiang, all shocked, Qin Xiang has no provincial personnel, and then severely injured, blood circulation.

"Just now, I talked about things, I listened to the truth, I was very excited, and then I accidentally fell." Han Xiu City cried, "I am preparing to call you ..."

"You ..." China's bodyguard is about to quit.

"Call the doctor, call the doctor." Han Xiu City picked up Qin Xiang rush out and shouted, "saving people, save me ..."

At this time, those bodyguards know that they will call the doctor immediately, and they will help Han Xiu City to carry Qin Xiang.

Only the Chinese bodyguard knows that things are not so simple, Yoshubahi is deliberately do not let him go in, and Han Xiucheng is crying, if Qin Xiang is really accidentally falling, Han Xiu City has long called people. Should not wait until he is called ...

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