"I know, I will give me a foreign public." Qin Xia cried, "How is my sister?"

"Your sister is abortion, I know that your father is injured, I am so embarrassed, I am worried that Han Xiu City will once again confused her, Xia, if possible, you still have to communicate with her, see Can't convince her to recognize the facts. "

"Good." Qin Xia took a breath, "I can't let people hurt my family."

"Xia, I will guard them with you." Xiao Han said firmly.

"I don't bother you first, Xia, you quickly called your grandfather." Blue Qian Yu once again.



Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu sighs a sigh of relief, the whole thing, Qin family is really innocent, because Qin Wei believes that Han Xiu City is involved, then become Han Xiu City Revenue Take the footboard Think about it is terrible.

However, she also blames not thinking about it in advance. If you discuss with Leles early, you may have an early preparation, Qin Xiang will not have something.

Now, she only wants to make up for it, try to minimize the tragic.


Hong Kong. .

Qin Xia quickly called her outside the martial arts, and the phone rang for a while to answer, a young voice came: "Hey!"

"Who are you? My grandfather?" Qin Xia asked urgently.

"Is Miss II?" The voice is pleased, "I am Rotti, the Assistant of the Earl."

"Hey, Rotti, my grandfather? I know it is very late, but I have a very important urgent matter to find him, please help me call him." Qin Xia is in urgent to burns.

"Miss", you still don't know? The Earl is going to the world. "Rotti said," Your mother has been hit by him. During this time, he has been depressed at home. Later, your aunt Accompany him to go around the world, you are looking at the heart everywhere, and now I don't know which country you have. "

"What? How can it be?" Qin Xia was crying.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Rotti, "Is there anything I can help you?"

"You can't help me, only the grandfather can help me ..." Qin Xia was desirable.

"If you give you aunt directly, she is with your grandfather."

"I can only do this, thank you."


Hanging up the phone, Qin Xia halited to call the phone of Mrs, Mrs. Benny, and Xiao Han stopped her: "You call them now. They are in that far, waiting to go back, everything has become a foregoing. "

"What should I do?" Qin Xia was anxious.

"Don't worry." Xiao Han slammed her tears, "I have prepared a special plane. After about two hours, you will get off, we will catch up, we will go to the United States, from Shanghai for the past a dozen hours, than you grandfather They also went to the United States first. "

"Well, then we hurry." Qin Xia pulled him.

"You will go to the airport with the company." Xiao Han said, "I will hurry, get to the airport on time, don't worry, I am, there will be no things."

"Well." Qin Xia worp in his arms, sadness, "Xiao Han, I only have you now ..."

"Fool, there is our child." Xiao Han kissed her forehead, "I will protect you! And your family !!!"

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