During this time, Xiao Han has changed a lot. Maybe he used to put the mind all in the blue millet, did not pay attention to the people around him.

Since the time he broke up with Blue Qianyu, he went back to Hong Kong with Qin Xiya. He gradually found that there is so many fascinating things in Qinshia.

Qin Xia is a famous aristocrat, a business department, can be worried about him, his career is working on a low grain period, and he has been busy every day. She has never complained that he would help him share business, and she has the ability to handle it. A lot of things.

In life, she is gentle, although it is Miss Qianjin, but it is not satisfactory, willing to cook with him, it is considerate to take care of his life.

And they taste each other, interesting, and the two are very harmonious, and the feelings are getting better and better.

Today, Xiao Han was busy, it didn't come back so late, because he went to take a custom wedding ring, prepared to officially marriage in Qin Jia, did not expect to happen, but it didn't matter, he had confidence to solve everything, help After Qin Jia, she could marry him with her feelings. .

Give a healthy and lovely baby for him.


Xiao Han went to Xiao Jiajia.

I haven't come here for a long time. Since Xiao Qi is in trouble, Xiao Jia is in the case, Xiao's is completely related to Xiao Jinpeng, and is informed of Xiao Han into his own company, but the rotten ship also has three pounds, Xiao Jinpeng and Zhu Min. It's good, although I have been bankrupt, there is some savings in the hand, and they live in a small villa in the suburbs, and they live a idle life every day.

This day is not bad, just thinking that the son Xiao Qi is unknown, and I don't know if it is born. I can't let go, and I am sighing every day, live in depression.

At this time, it was China's time at the afternoon. The two were watching TV at home. Xiao Han's car came in. They quickly ran out, and thought that Xiao Qi came back.

As a result, the people from the car were actually Xiao Han, the face of the two came to change.

Xiao Jinpeng frowned.

Zhu Min was a bit awkward. She has never gave Xiao Han's face, but she was not tapped, but Xiao Qi's incident made her see Xiao Han's ability. She is now in this way, I don't dare to provoke again. He, otherwise he has a day, her son came back, Xiao Han won't let them live.

"See me, is very disappointed?" Xiao Han got off the bus.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Jinpeng glared at him coldly.

"Calculate it for many years, don't you miss Xiao Qi?" Xiao Han's cold smile, "I don't want to see him?"

"You, do you know where Xiao Qi is?" Zhu Min asked excitedly, "Is he still ok? Please tell me, where is he?"

He is in the United States, "Xiao Han looked at the time on the watch," My special plane is still a half an hour, I have to take off, I don't have time to say more, if you want to see him, bring your passport. I got on the bus, I took you to the United States. "

"Really?" Zhu Min was a little uneasy, worried that Xiao Han was playing them.

"Go to the passport, simply pack a few bags." Xiao Jinpeng said unhappy.


"What are you afraid of?" Xiao Jinpeng stared Xiao Han, "We have nothing to have two old bones, what can he get from us?"

"it is good."

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