Zhu Min took the passport and other documents, and quickly packed a few bags, and took some money and hurried out.

The two have locked the house, and then the Xiao Han's car was on.

Xiao Han opened the car and rushed to the airport. On the road, he took a call: "Xia, I will go to the airport immediately, rest assured, can catch. You don't worry, wait for me, don't think about it."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Jinpeng softly asked: "Last I saw news, this Hiya is your new girlfriend?"

"Well." Xiao Han should have a touch.

"This time, is it serious?"

Xiao Jinpeng learned Xiao Han, and he never had a girlfriend. The only time was a blue thousand feathers, and he was separated by Zhu Min Shi. Later, he always played a woman.

"Serious, she is pregnant with my child, we are ready to marry her."

Xiao Han calmly responded that he never thought of one day, he can talk to Xiao Jinpeng so flattened.

In the past, he hated him, hate him to die, every time I saw Xiao Jinpeng, it was not bad, but now he changed.

Perhaps you have to be a father, perhaps because you have experienced so much, and maybe because he knows that he may not be Xiao Jinpeng's biological son, Xiao Jinpeng did not owe him. .

"That's good, then it is good." Xiao Jinpeng nodded.

"A few, a few months?" Zhu Min asked the wings.

"For more than two months." Xiao Han got her in the rearview mirror.

Maybe this is the case, when you have a high capital, it will become greedy, but once you lose this, even your family is lost, their ambitions and desires will be erased by time and reality, and simply Being a simple person.

Now, Xiao Jinpeng and Zhu Min have not the original treacherous, becomes the only Note, please feel cautious, there is a little luxury.

I hope that Xiao Qi this son is seen.

"Oh, it's not too obvious for more than two months." Zhu Min joined the laugh and laughing, tentatively, "Yes, what is Xiao Qi in the United States? He will not be given by the US police Cut it? "

"There is still no, it is difficult to say later." Xiao Han said coldly, "people do more bad things, escape once, flee it."

"What do you mean? What did he do?" Xiao Jinpeng's emotions became excited.

"I will know." Xiao Han plus fast speed.

"What is going on? Can you talk about it? Our heart is about to jump out." Zhu Min cried his face, whispered, "I know that I didn't have good for you, you have to retaliate, you have to retaliate Revenge me, but Xiao Han has not hurt you, you don't hurt him, no matter what, you are all brothers. "

"Do we really have a brother?" Xiao Han stared at Xiao Jinpeng from the rearview mirror. "Is I doing your biological son?"

"You are grievances, I am in the original eccentric, isn't it good to you?" Xiao Jinpeng said, "You don't recognize my father, I have nothing to say, but you don't harm Xiao Qi, he has been I haven't worry, what do you want? Don't worry too much ... "

"I didn't harm him, he hurt himself." Xiao Han clenching the steering wheel, "If you continue to make this, he will only die."

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