Speaking of this, Qin Wei's emotions become more excited, "Night flames have no relationship with my mommy, even tired of my mommy died, this time, what is wrong in my belly Why do you let him get rid? Why ????

"Sorry, Weier ..."

"Now think about it." Qin Wei cried and trembled -

"At the beginning, I would like to find a child in the death of the death, but she escaped the robbery because of his heart, and I did it? Because I did a lot of wrong things, I would like to punish me, so I will be reported, let The child in my belly flows away. I still have me, the end of the best, I will roll down from the upstairs, hurt the way ... "

Qin Wei smashed the more sad, and the mood was very collapsed.

Han Xiu City is anxious, I don't know how to convince her.

"Hey!" At this time, there was a knock on the door, a bodyguard reported. Recorded statement."


Han Xiu City is shocked, how can the police come? He has already said that Qin Xiang is the loss of falling down, who is the police? Is it Leizie, must be him, he also invited the Director of the Police Department to move, and it is worse.

Qin Wei did not pay attention to his face is somewhat uns, and the heart is more uneasy.


"Weier, you are still weak now, don't go out."

Han Xiu City has been panicked. Qin Wei did not listen to him, and he didn't want to believe him. The police came again. If there is no one to help him, he really has to finish.

"You gave me away." Qin Wei was cold and cold, pointed to his nose, "Han Xiu City, if you are known, I am wounded with you, you are dead." "

"How do you say this?" Han Xiu City's reaction is very fierce, "Do you have yourself falling down the floor, what is the relationship with me? Why don't you believe me?"

"Why do you react so fierce? Is it really related to you?"

Qin Wei was very understanding him. From the beginning, they did a lot of things together. Every time he was very calm, but now he has panicked.

"No, no, how can it be me? Not me ..." Han Xiu City shook his head, looks very popular.

Qin Wei was more sure he had problems, excited: "You must be you, I am scolding you because of my abortion, you push him downstairs under your anger ..."

"I said it is not -" Han Xiu City excitedly grabbed her mouth, "Why are you so loud? If you are heard by others? Now you don't believe me, others will be more doubtful, you are I don't want to die, I am willing to be willing??? "

"Hey ..." Qin Wei was struggling, and he wanted to open his hand.

Han Xiu City is like a madman -

"I warned you, when you were caught in the night, you also have a copy, and you sent someone to your sister, almost disappointed her abortion. If I shook these things, don't want to stay in Qin family. , You are very popular, spleen, degenerate, leaving Qin family, you are not, there will be no men want you ... "

Qin Wei's grief looks at him. It turns out that the man who has been relying on, it is such a man. For his own interests, she can hurt her family and threaten her.

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