Qin Wei has always thought that he found a right person, and now I know, how free it is wrong.

From the beginning, she should not make the conspiracy because of jealousy, and the Han Xiu City partners will make the conspiracy, framed Xiao Han and Blue Qian Yu, to let the mother who die;

Later, she should not be wrong, always believe in the province of Han Xiu City, forced the sister to the Qin family, she thought she got the inheritance of Qin family, got the trust of the father, still pregnant, this is the most Good ending.

I didn't expect that she guess the front, guess it.

The child's father kill her fantasy, the dog hurriedly jumped, even her loved ones, even her also hurt.

"Have you heard?" Han Xiu City is so low, "You give me old man, now I will go out, please ask the police to go, and that Leizie, take him away, you tell them, your father It is from falling from the stairs. It is not a person. Let them have less, and there are, and you say that everything in the Qin family is hosted by me. Don't worry. Don't understand? Do not understand? "

The face of his approached Qin Wei, with a kind of vibration.

Qin Wei's tears made a stream of the beads of the line, solemnly, but in order to keep himself, she still got down.

"This is right ..." Han Xiucheng made a breath, slowly opened his hand, patted Qin Wei's cheek, fierce warning -

"You'd better don't play the trick, otherwise I will not let you go, anyway, I am a rotten one, everything is doing. Now your father is lying in the emergency room, your sister is not, Qin family is a People, you are fighting me. If you want to live, you will be obedient, have you heard it? "

Qin Wei's sad look at him: "I want to ask you a question?"

"What problem?" Said the consciousness of Han Xiucheng.

"Do you have it, have you really love me?" Qin Wei cried and asked. "Are you really a true heart? Still, from the beginning, you are the property of my home is close to me ..."

"Narcosis." Han Xiu City is cold and changing, "Your woman, I don't know how many men have passed, I haven't had a pure virgin, my temper is still smelling, and the character is arrogant and arrogant. If it is not for Qinjia The money, ghosts like you. "

Qin Wei is desperately closed, keeping crying.

"Cry what crying?" Han Xiucheng grabbed her hair and handed her face over to face her. "When I arrived at this time, I still talk about what love doesn't love? Save or hope?"

"You want to save your life, you should not use this attitude to talk to me." Qin Wei was angry with him, "Otherwise, I am never."

"Is it?" Han Xiu City is fiercely, fierce approaching her, "You don't want it, your father? You have done your mother, is it, if you dare to play, big, , I will pull your father to my life !!! "

"Han Xiu City, you are enough!" Qin Wei was angry with his teeth.

"Hey!" The outside is once again knocked on the door. "Han, the Director Harley, please come out, in addition, Miss, the doctor is already called."

"Well, I will come right away."

Han Xiu City stood up and organized the clothes and hair, and restored the look of the side of the landscape. The warned refers to the Qin Wei, and then went to open the door, the door opened, a cold handcuffered him Wrist ...

Han Xiu City panic: "Director Harley, what is this?"

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