"It's too hate !!!" Qin Xiya gave his teeth, "this kind of person should really be thousands of knives."

"No matter what to say, he has already set the Internet." Blue Qian Yu sighed, "When your father woke up, the police verified the mouth, he could convict. But he is just a small role, and the black hand behind him is difficult to deal with. "

After listening to this sentence, Xiao Han's face became very heavy, and it was voted. If Wenhai really did so much bad o, he couldn't help him, but he hoped that the Wemai should not continue.

"Xiao Han, there is something, I want to ask you." Blue Qian Yu deeply looked at Xiao Han, "You and Wenhai Relationship ..."

"I don't want to talk about this." Xiao Han interrupted her, "I used him to say before, although he is me, but does not mean that he can Hu Zu. If he really guilty, I will not cover him, I And his relationship, there is no impact on this matter. "

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "I am afraid that you are difficult, when I have deald Han Xiu City, I really didn't expect to be able to even tired again, I didn't expect to deal with Wemai, and tired you ..."

Xiao Han said: "Qin family is implicated because of you, because of the Susam, she is probably for Han Xiu City, so the reaction is very intense, invert Qin Wei's abortion, as for Qin Father's injured, it is more There is no relationship, that is all questions from Han Xiu City, you don't have to blame.

To deal with Wenhai, don't need any concerns, press your own ideas to do it, just, I can't help you like before, no matter what, he is all right, I don't want to intervene. "

"I understand." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "I am relieved in this sentence, then I am going to act."

"Well." Xiao Han low should be.

Blue Qian Yu came to the side, Qin Xia looked at her back, can't help but sigh: "I have always thought that she is a weak woman, now I know that she is so powerful, I can fight with so many men."

"People are all forced." Xiao Han also emotioned, "Qian Yu is in the sun, in order to guard the night, I have to become brave and strong. In fact, she has always been very smart, the mind is not harbier than men, just before I don't like to use the heart, but once someone wants to hurt her family, destroy her family, she will break all the potential, like a fierce lion, tenacity guarding her home. "

"It's a admirable woman." Qin Xia was sincerely admired, "it is no wonder you all like her."

"Hey, that's all the things." Xiao Han immediately glareded her, "Now, I only like you."

"Oh!" Qin Xia happiness laughed, "If one day, you are killed, maybe I will explode unexpected potential, but you are unyielding to guard you!"

"Fool, I will not fall." Xiao Han pets her hair, suddenly said, "Xia, discuss with you."

"Well?" Qin Xia stopped and looked at him.

Xiao Han held her face, solemnly said: "Waiting for you to wake up, we will get married, I don't want you to wear a wedding dress, don't want you to hang all day, I will find it. Other women, I want to give you a home, give us a home, in the future, we will protect Qin family and protect our children! "

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