"Well." Qin Xia took a head and touched tears.

Xiao Han held her face, kissed her affection ...

Blue Qianyu came back and saw this scene. The lips gave a gratified smile. This is the end of her expects. Xiao Han finally found the real love girl, she wishes them happiness in my heart!

The two kissed it for a long time, Xiao Han gentle the face of Qin Xia, and wipes the liquid stains for her lips.

Qin Xia was ashamed, and she was unintentionally seen in Blue Qian Yu, she was not very natural.

"I saw you so good, I am very happy." Blue Qian Yu came over, I said, "I asked me to drink a happiness, and the baby is healthy and born, and the thousand wings have a small partner."

"It is less than three months, it is still early." Qin Xia is sinking.

"Waiting for the father of Qin Bo, we will get married." Xiao Han said, "Wine is a must ask you to drink, the multi-package red envelope is."

"Haha, rest assured, I must have a big red envelope." Blue Qianyu smiled.

"We hurry, I want to see it."



Three people came to the emergency room, almost two steps of the police, here is like a heavy base.

Everyone knows Blue Qian Yu, say hello to her: "Miss L.!"

"This is Miss Qin, this is Xiao Han, Miss Second Miss." Blue Qian Yu introduced them to them, "Qin family later hosted by them, you don't have to listen to me, but listen to them. In addition to them, they can't believe others. "

"Yes, I know."


"Is this a person who is not Harley?" Xiao Han recognized it.

"Yeah." Blue Qianfei nodded, "Harley Director, Louis Earl, Rotti, and Leizie has already guarded 14 hours, knowing you, I will let them go back to rest first. Here you can Give you it. "

"Thank you, Qian Yu." Qin Xia was very grateful, "If you are not you, I am afraid I will do something, you have spent so much mind to protect him, I really don't know what to say."

Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed -

"Don't say this, you are injured and indirect because of me, I feel very embarrassed, this makes up for it, let alone, I protect you is not just to make up for you Qin family, for myself, Night flaming The day of the court is coming, I hope that you can promise to review this matter. Now some crimes in Han Xiu City have already smashed, but he has no evidence before he is destroyed by the night flames. I hope that Qin family will give me a little. Time, let me find the murderer who really killed your Mummy. "

"I know that I know that I saw him kiding my sister, you and Xiao Han's things were clear, this I can do this."

"This is not enough." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "The most important thing is that your Mommy's death is absolutely not fatal. Your Mommy's death must have another reason. Now I suspect that it is related to the mountain. Leles has taken himself. "

"If this is true, we must also pay a fair in Qin." Qin Xia guaranteed that "the night flames stabbed my Mummy crimes, we will also ask the judge, believe that the judge will consider the reason will be generous."

"Thank you, Xia!" Blue Qian Yu hugged her, "You really have seen the most kind girl."

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