"Are you coming?" At this time, Leles hurriedly came.

"Le Le, this time, you have worked hard, big unity is not asked, it will return you in the future."

Xiao Han touched him with him. These two people used to exclude each other, but later because two people surveyed the night flames had a very tacit understanding, plus this Qin family, Xiao Han is very grateful to him.

"If you return, even if I help myself." Le Le is very cool.

"Qin always is still in the flow space, let's take a look at him." Blue Qian Yu reminded, "In addition, Xia, don't blame your sister, she is now poor, and she also knows wrong, All actively cooperate with the police to investigate the night flames. "

"I know, thank you." Qin Xia nodded.

"I have to go first, there are still many things to handle." Blue Qian Yu followed Xiao Han and Qin Xiya, followed Leishaw.


Xiao Han looked at their back, and the look became dignified, and they were going to deal with the sea. .

"Don't think about it." Qin Xia patted his shoulders, "is a non-black and white, no one can change, everyone has to pay for all of them."

"You are right." Xiao Han Yang lipped, "Let's go see it."

"?" Qin Xia was.

"You are my wife, your loved ones are my loved ones." Xiao Han glared at her.

"Well." Qin Xia was excited, turned to prepare to go to the pathogenese room, but saw Qin Wei standing quietly in the corridor, she was so embarrassed, her eyes were filled with blood, her face is pale as paper, It seems like a puppet that will fall at any time, makes people feel bad.

"Sister!" Qin Xia's tears fell, and suddenly ran over and hug her.

Qin Wei also hugged Qin Xia, whispered to say: "Sorry, Xia, Sorry, I am sorry ..."

"Sister, don't like this, I don't blame you, you just have a confused, now I know the wrong." Qin Xia kept comforting her.

"I am really sorry, you ..." Qin Wei smashed, "I am crazy, I will be subject to a beast, calculate my own sister, make so many things, if not me, everything is not What will happen, my mother will not die, my child will not abort, and you will not hurt this, you don't have to leave the country ... "

"My sister, I have passed, everything has passed, will be fine." Qin Xia wiped her tears, "and that nor your fault, all the bastards of Han Xiu City, you are just a paste, Now I know is wrong. After our family is working together. "

"At first, I thought I found a good man, I always ridicule you, say you guilty, I like a man who doesn't love myself, now I know that people who really guilty are my own ..."

Qin Wei did not forgive himself. "I am too self-righteous, I don't even know anything, I want is a matter of obedience. It is too sad."

"Sister Don't do this ..." Qin Xia didn't know how to advise her.

"Seeing Xiao Han is so good to you now, I will feel peaceful." Qin Wei sighed, wipes tears, "Qin family has a big overall situation, everything will be better."

"Sister, what do you say? You have to protect Qin family with us." Qin Xia was in a hurry.

"Well, I will guard with you ..." Qin Wei smiled and nodded, but he had made a decision ...

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