"Sister, you look weak, I will help you return home to rest." Qin Xia helped Qin Wei back to the ward, comfort, "You don't think about it, take a good rest, raise your body, I will follow Xiao Han first Go see you, come and see you again. "

"Good." Qin Wei nodded, went to her left, tears and could not stand the foreign flow, people are like this, don't hit the South Wall, don't look back, when I did something wrong, the whole person was like faint. , Listening to the teaching of Han Xiu City, if he doesn't hete well to her, she is afraid that now I don't know repentance ...

Although others comforted her, know the wrong energy change, be good, but she can't forgive himself.

If the mother's death is related to Han Xiu City, she hates yourself, now she is very afraid to face this truth ...


"Seeing my sister, I really didn't have a taste." Qin Xia said sadly, "she used to be so proudly, now it turned into so frustration, it seems to be disappointed with life."

"Experience this kind of thing, no one can get it. Give her a little time, slowly will be better." Xiao Han stared in Qin Xia. "Now we come back, you can spend more with her in the future."

"Well," Qin Xia smiled nodded, "I have you in me, I am very practical in my heart, even if there is a big hard time, I have a confidence."

"This is right." Xiao Han kissed her forehead, "I like you, rest assured, no matter what happens, I will take your hand, and talked with you!"

"Thank you!" Qin Xia was very touched.

"Let's go to the clothes, go in and see it."

"it is good."


On the car.

Leizan's situation with Blue Qian Yu's situation: "It is strange, Wemeworry doesn't seem like anything, and today it will be abroad."

"He won't be afraid of fear?" Blue Qian Yu frowned.

"How can I, what evidence is there, what is the sin?" Le Lee is white, "Don't say that Han Xiu City has no tricks now, even if it is really trick, I may not be able to set his sin. His The identity status is lifted, and the police can't arrest him because of the words of Han Xiu City. "

"It is also right." Blue Qianyu hurts the ear, "It seems that the sin of Wenhai is not an easy thing, but we still have to let Han Xiu City provide his crimes, let the police pioneered."

"This is not easy." Leilan shook his head sigh, "Han Xiu City's mouth is very tight, he is very clear, if you don't say, you still have a line of life. Once you say it, he really died without burial. "

"This is really tricky." Blue Qian Yu sighs a sigh of relief, "No matter what, let's take a case for the night flames, first save him, and then deal with the Wemewood."

"That is of course." Leisi nod, "as long as the night flames come out, your husband and wife can be fearless."

"The night flames have been closed for a long time, I don't know how to hurt the last time." Blue Qian Yu thought that the night flames were very distressed, "Yes, Yoshony caught?"

"Not yet." Leisheng shook his head, "I almost turned over New York, I couldn't find his traces."

"Is he going abroad with Wenhai?" Yue Qian Yu asked.

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