"My ability is definitely not enough." Blue Qianyu turned his head and looked at him, meaning that "Bo, I need your help!"

Burgu said, panic: "I, what can I help you? I will not."

"You can." Blue Qian Yu looks deeply, "as long as you are willing."


"Mr. Bo is willing to be willing." Leizie attached, "He loyal to the night home, everything is to think about the safety of the night home, now the young master is difficult, how can he not help?"

"Yeah, Grandpa is listening." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, "Bo, are you willing to help us?"

Burg's eyes flashed, he knew that Blue Qianyu didn't know anything, he had a long sigh, he was heavy, "Do you want me to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just tell us some truth."

Blue Qian Yu is slightly, Zhao Jun immediately condemn all medical staff and bodyguards.

There is only a stroke of the night, the night, the night, the night, Bo, Le Le, Blue Qianyu, and Zhao Jun, who is guarded.

"Is it about igniting the grandfather?" Bo Wei asked straightly, it has already arrived at this time, there is no need to go to turn around.

"Burning Grand?" Blue Qian Yu has not heard of this name.

"The father of the night, the night flame." Bo sighed, began to tell the matter of the year -

"I am still a bit more than the burn, here, I will call him. When the old man is a woman, the night combustion and night rain, I don't know if it is unfortunate, two children It is unfortunately died. And all died of car accident because of emotional entanglement.

Miss Yu Fei said, I don't say much, there is nothing to do with the current things. Burning Series is the hope of our night home, from small, old lady to cultivate him, he is very young to learn business, young and handsome.

His feelings are also very smooth, there is a girlfriend of Qingmeizhu Ma, the name is called warm, that is, the sister of the Wemai, Xiao Han's mother.

They like to go to each other, and confirmed the relationship between men and women, Xu Xia Mountain All the vows, and swear to live together. But there is a lot of things happened ... "

Speaking of this, Bao's tone becomes more heavy -

"I also learned the matter. It turned out that the original daughter of the Wen's family, but their health, and the warm sea of ​​the brothers, even greeted her.

In the past year, he actually took her with a despicable means, and she locked her at home, and she did not meet with the night.

Later, there have been a lot of things, in short, the feelings between young people, in fact, the young grandfather is really loved to be like, knowing the truth, and not mind, or love her as it is.

But Wemewood often plays the feelings to destroy their feelings, and it is not very firm, and the two are divided into and toss for three years, and the temperature is still left.

The night is very painful. At that time, he met our wife, but also the mother of the Night flame. Miss Ante is Danish, which is very beautiful, just like the characters from the oil painting. She studied abroad in China, she has a strong oriental rhyme.

When she came to the United States, I met the lime combustion. After a period of gap, the two had sincere feelings, and they quickly married ... "

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