"At that time, Wenru came back to find a night combustion, you can't accept her again, he found that he was the most suitable with Ante, and he love his wife, and Anteen is already pregnant. .

Wen is not willing to be willing to be entangled in the night, which makes the night are very distressed. Antentine understands, not only not to scold him, but also talk to him like himself.

The night combustion is very embarrassed, and it will decline the warmth. It is necessary to live well with his wife. It is very difficult to be very sad, it may be because of the gratia, I was married to a domestic rich business. Xiao Jinpeng.

When Wen is married, Wenhai is very powerful. It is as good as she has already prevented Xiao Jinpeng's child, and the parents of Wen's parents will prevent the warm sea, and things are temporarily calm.

We all thought that things have been terminated at that time, and the night combustion and warmth have their own lives, and they will not be entangled.

I didn't expect Wen Wan, I can't forget the night combustion, and she married Xiao Jia is not happy. After a few years, she remembered the night combustion in the United States, that night, the night was probably rubbed with his wife, drinking a lot of wine, The two have a relationship.

Just like this, it is entangled together, although the night is very regretted, it is just a time to be confused, he still loves his wife, do not want to dismount each other.

However, it is as refuse to let go again, she even looking for Antentine, she wants Antentian to marry the night, and the three people argue in the car, and then a car accident occurred.

At that time, it was a warm car, the lime combustion and Anteen sat in the back seat of the car, and the warmth was in the scene, and the night was protected by the key moment.

He has also been hurt, and it has been lying for more than three months in the hospital. Anntertan is not serious, but the matter gives her a big blow. From then on, she has become a depressed.

In fact, the relationship between the night and the warmth, the relationship between the night and the warmth is very good. The night, the old man and the Wemewhered parents are Chinese people who come to the United States, and have experienced a lot of wind and rain. It is a friend.

But after the matter, the relationship between the two cracked. Wen Jia people feel that the daughter of the night is dead, especially the warm sea, just like crazy, but also retaliate over the night ...

However, the parents of the Wen Jia are still wise, although the heart is a bit resentful to the night, but still pressing the son, not allowing him to make another trouble.

That car accident left a lot of psychological trauma, especially Anteen, she wanted to marry at night, but the night burning did not agree.

After that, so many things, the night is more understanding of the feelings of Anzi, in the crucial moment, he indulged her to protect her, prove that the favorite person in his heart is her.

Under the effort of loyalty, Antenta finally forgive him, a family continued to live in a quiet life, although busy, but very fulfilling, the Fighter grows up one day, the night's future is full of light.

No one thought that the day of the four-year-old birthday, the night combustion and Antenta had an accident, it was really strange, and the location they did was when they were in the event, they even had the same thing ... ...

That time, they didn't have lucky, and the two died at the car accident at the same time, they were tightly hugged. "

Speaking of this, the voice of Bao is swallowed, can't help but sigh -

"That thing gave the old man, with the night family brought a lot of hits, everyone is very sad, we all thought that it was an accident. Until before, I know ... that is people !!!"

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