"Human ???" Blue Qian Yu is shocked, "Is it Wenhai?"

"Well." Bo Yan nodded, "Although he didn't say it, he can hear from his words, and that thing will definitely be related to him."

"The night of the old man has the reaction ..." Le Le suddenly shouted.

Lan Qian Yu's conscious looks, the emotions of the night, the emotions of the night are very excited, and the stiff and old hands are scratching, and the lips are constantly shaking.

"Call a doctor." Blue Qianyu said to Zhao Jun.

"Yes." Zhao Jun immediately called a doctor.

"Old Nai, you don't excite." Brui was busy holding the night of the night, "the young lady has already cheered that the Wemai has a problem, she will definitely rope."

"Yeah, grandfather." Blue Qian Yu said, "You can rest assured, I will definitely save the night flames and put the murderer rope."

The night of the night is still very excited, the body tremble is not stopped, as if you want to break the disease wake up ...

"Doctor is coming!" Zhao Jun was unwell.

Blue Qian Yu, Le Le, Bo Wei rushed to one side.

The doctor hurried to the bedside for the night, the old man was instead, and the foundation: "Night is reacted, we need to take treatment immediately, trouble a few people first go out."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu and others hurried out.

Everyone is guarded outside the ward, and the look of Bao Wei is very dignified, and said to Blue Qian Yu: "Lady, please talk one step."

"Good!" Blue Qian Yu and Leisheng followed Buri to an aerial ward, the door was just closed, Bo Wei bowed, "Lady, I am sorry to the night, I am sorry for the old man."

"Bo, you don't do this." Blue Qian Yu quickly held him, "I know you can't wait, I will not blame you."

"Hey, I will know that this thing is unable to do this." Bao Wei is very embarrassed. "I am sincerely sincere, I am loyal to the night, I didn't expect to be old. This kind of mistake, I am really hated. "

"I can understand." Blue Qian Yu sighs, "For the night, you have not married your wife, no children, wait for your nephew, he is out, how can you not worry? You just just Going away, it's not a betrayal night, this can't blame you. It is necessary to blame the sea too embarrassing. "

"Yes." Leizie attached, "there are no blame, otherwise, you will not let you continue to take care of the old cars, you don't have to blame."

"Hey ..." Ber is deeply sighed, "It is impossible to say that you can't help but go away. If you don't go away, the old man will not make this at all. I don't know the western Wemai. I have said something to him, I will actually get it like this. "

"This can only wait for Grandpa to know." Blue Qian Yu said, "Bo, you don't worry, grandfather will not have something."

"Well." Bo is nodded, "Young Mrs., this time, you will lose you and Thunder, if you are not you, there will be no transfer."

"I am also a copy of the night home, doing these should be." Blue Qian Yu said.

"I am also a thousand feathers. She is my sister, I have to help her." Leizie said, "Let's take a look at the old woman."

"Okay ..." The three are preparing to go back to the ward. The mobile phone of Blue Qianyu suddenly rang, and she is Han Han, she answers the phone, "Xiao Han."

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