"Yes, it is my fault, my fault ..." Zhu Min smoked his own slap, "I have harmed my son, I am me ..."

"Don't, Mom -" Xiao Qi is eager to shout.

At this moment, he admitted that he was Xiao Qi. He has just avoided that problem, now he can't avoid it.

Blue Qian Yu looked at a camera. This scene was accumulated in a case, and it could become a holiday.

"Don't do this, it's not your business, I have nothing to do ..." Xiao Qi repelled the low head, "I am not less than Xiao Han, I will lose to him, I will let you down! "

"Why do you want to compare with him?" Xiao Jinpeng said sadly, "Even if you are just a work, you are the son of my Xiao Jinpeng, no one can replace you."

"You still say, I blame you." Zhu Min roared in Xiao Jinpeng, "If you don't stay in the wild, why should we compare with him? Just because you are too good for the wild, I am afraid of Ai Cold, so do you have a high demand for him ... "

"Yes, it is my fault." Xiao Jinpeng's self-blamed, "for someone else's children, it is cold."

"What do you say?" Xiao Qi's horrified eyes, "Is Xiao Han not your son?"

"No ..." Zhu Min called, "I have said, Xiao Han is a wild species. He is not your father's biological son."

"Is he not your biological son? Why do you have to give the company to him?" Xiao Qi excitedly asked.

"I didn't." Xiao Jinpeng shook his head, "I chose Xiao's problem, I said that I want to call him back to pick up the company. In fact, I don't have this idea. I am afraid that you just want to talk about love, for the company I am not upset, so I will force you. Son, you are my biological son, how can I not hurt you? "

"Wrong, wrong ..." Xiao Qi crazy shook his head, "I have been more than a lifetime, I have a mistake. Xiao Han is not a Xiaojia's flesh, what do I fight? ? "

"Now I have come." Blue Qian Yu immediately said, "Xiao Qi, as long as you turn into a stain witness, tell the police all the truth, we will ask for you, you can reduce the sentence, take a few years, it will come out, It can also be played in Dongshan. "

"Yes." Leizie also took advantage of the iron, "Qin Xiang has already tried the dangerous period, you didn't kill, just committed some small sins, and these crimes added no more than a few years. After a few years, you are still young, Can have new life. "

"Small sin?" Xiao Qi's spiritual shook head, "How can I? Even if Qin Xiang is not dead, the death of Winni is not a small crime ..."

Blue Qian Yu is stealing, he finally said this sentence, the doctor's Harley Director should hear, this sentence is already proved to be related to the death of Wen Ni.

"Mrs. Winnie is the death of Yamamoto, and that is the idea of ​​Wenhai, there is no relationship with you." Leles continued to guide.

"Wenhai actually refers to this kind of thing?" Xiao Jinpeng heard some temples, "The mixing thing must be trying to revenge night."

"You must not go to him, he is very likely to be Xiao Han's father." Zhu Min thought of this important issue, quickly said, "He borrowed your hand to fight the night home, then leave the property to Xiao Han, You will not be worth it. "

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