"It turns out !!!" Xiao Qi's emotions are more excited, "It is no wonder that he protects Xiao Han. It turns out that he is so like a wishful abacus !!!"

"If you continue to protect the warm sea, you have to carry all the crimes. You are really finished. The second half has to spend it in front of it." Blue Qian Yu immediately said, "As long as you say it, you can alleviate a lot. offense."

"Really?" Xiao Qi has been shake, he is enough, don't want to toss again, he wants to start ...

"Of course, it is true, don't believe you can ask the lawyer." Blue Qian Yu said, "Xiao Qi, as long as you surrender, and confesher with Wemewhered crimes, everything is still coming."

"Yeah, son, those things are that others means you do, you will hurry, don't be so stupid, go to the sin of people." Zhu Min also followed.

"You must not think that the Wenhai will save you, he can't save you, he has long been going abroad." Leizan said, "If you don't say the truth, he is likely to send people ..."

Leles did not finish it, and Xiao Qi's face suddenly became very difficult, and the waist was covered with the abdomen. The whole person planted.

"Heaven, son, what happened?" Zhu Min wanted to help him, but stopped by the police.

The police helped him before, and found that he spit out a lot of black blood, and the Leighing shouted: "He is poisoned."

"Worse!" Blue Qian Yu is shocked, "he is too fast."

Xiao Jinpeng is also scared: "How can this? How can it be?"

"Fast, send a hospital quickly." Leigh is anxious.

"No, his case involves the political circle, has to pass some procedures." The police said, "Let's ask the prison doctor first."

"People have made this, what else do you have?" "Blue Qian Yu's excited roar," will send hospitals, fast - "

"The Director Harley agreed." The police instructively said.

Le Le is ready to call Harley, Harley Director has rushed: "Hurry to send hospitals."

"Yes." The police took Xiao Qi to a single branch, hurried forward, Blue Qian Yu and Le Lee followed the side, Zhu Min and Xiao Jinpeng were helping each other, sad crying.

"Xiao Qi, you support, we will definitely save you, you must stick to it." Blue Qian Yu has encouraged Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi's body kept trembling, and he kept pulling out of the blue blood in his mouth.

Blue Qian Yu was scared to cry: "Xiao Qi, you support, you can't die ..."

Xiao Qi reached out, suddenly slammed the clothes of Blue Qianyu, muttered in his mouth.

Blue Qianyu bends over the past, hears him confulsary: ​​"Certificate, evidence, in ..." in Wei ... "

If he didn't finish it, his hand turned down.

Blue Qian Yu looked at his hand, staying there, there is a blank in the mind. .

The police stopped, and the Director Harley wrinkled: "He has ..."

Leizie's heart is cold, this is down, Xiao Qi is dead, this is really dead, and what he said is not enough to become a crime, if he said is not enough to become a crime, and if Yamamoto caves, Night flaming The case is still not retried.

"Son, son ..." Zhu Min walked over, gently shaking Xiao Qi's body, Xiao Qi did not move, and his eyes looked at her and Xiao Jinpeng, and his eyes also hanged the tears of remorse.

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