"No, no, don't ..." Zhu Min realized that his son has already went, rushing on his son, tearing heart crying, "Ah ------"

Xiao Jinpeng took the side of Xiao Qi, crying and shaking, his mouth has been repeating: "It is my fault, my fault, my fault."

Blue Qian Yu bites the lower lips, grief crying, although Xiao Qi did so much bad things, although she also cursed him in my heart, I can't wait for him to die, but now I have witnessed him to die, she still feels very sad.

Life is really fragile, just a person who has just born the dragon, now I will go.

People, I only know about remorse before going to death, but it is already too late.

Why is this this?

When you are alive, can you not simply? Sunshine?


Le Leng is blue and blue, and it is easy to comfort: "Don't be sad, we will have a way."

He thought that Blue Qian Yu was because Xiao Qi died, the night flames couldn't be turned into a case. In fact, she is inappropriate.

However, this sentence is a reminder of Blue Qian Yu, Blue Qian Yu is awake, sucking a breath, rubbing tears, said to Leisi: "You hurry to find Qin Wei, where she may have evidence of Water Sea. "

"Really?" Leigh is outward.

"I just said that Xiao Qi told me, it should refer to Qin Wei." Blue Qianyu whispered, "hurry, I will send Xiao Qi, I will last."

"it is good."


Le Lexie left the police station and received a call from Xiao Han when he went to the door, Xiao Han asked: "How? Xiao Qi agrees to surrender?"

Xiao Qi died. "Leager said.

"What ???" Xiao Han shocked, "How can this?"

"Hey, it's still good, I quarreled for a while, and the thousands of feathers will guide him to say the truth, but he suddenly spit into blood, and then fall." Leishae signs, " People are poisoning, it is estimated to be Wenhai dry, he can be really powerful, first send a man, this trick is really awkward. "

The Xiao Han in the phone is still immersed in shocking, although he is very embarrassed Xiao Qi, can even say that he hated him, but he never thought about him.

After all, they used to have a brother for many years. When I was a child, I have been innocent.

I didn't expect it, now he said death.

"Xiao Han, the festival!" Lei Lie said, "Or you to see Xiao Jia Parents? Two old people are very poor."

"I will go right away." Xiao Han prepared to hang the phone.

"Wait a minute." Leizan said, "Qin Wei is still in the hospital?"

"I have been in the ward. What happened?" Xiao Han asked.

"Nothing, I am going to find her now."

Le Lezhen did not tell Xiao Han. After all, the matter was related to Wenhai. Just now Zhu Min said that Xiao Han is the son of Wenhai, and Le Lee is afraid that Xiao Han is difficult, so I have concealed this.

"Well." Xiao Han did not ask more, hanging up the phone, he did not find out that Qin Wei's ward was no longer.


Qin Xia and Si Hui have been guarding outside Qin Xiang's ward, Xiao Han hurriedly came over: "Xia, the police officer out, I left, come back later."

"Well." Qin Xia nodded.

"Si Hui, take care of Xiaa." Xiao Han Dynasty.

"I know, master." Si Hui nod, "Yes, I have never seen Qin Miss today, she is not uncomfortable?"

"Maybe, let me see her."

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