Qin Xia got up to Qin Wei's room, Xiao Han rushed to the elevator.

"Hey!" Qin Xia knocked on the door, "Sister, are you ok? Are you sleeping?"

There is no response in it, Qin Xia knocked again: "Sister!"

There is still no sound, Qin Xia wants to think, maybe Qin Wei is sleeping, she has been weak since abortion, staying in bed, may now fall asleep, so I didn't respond to her.

Thinking of this, Qin Xia turned to prepare to return to the backmaster monitor ...

At this time, the elevator opened, Xiao Han was ready to go, but found that there was a gold lace in the elevator. The ribbon was the Qin Wei's head. He frowned thought, quickly returned to the intensive care room: " Ya, have you seen your sister? "

"I knock on the door, no one, what happened?" Qin Xia asked.

"I saw her ribbon in the elevator. I suspect that she has gone." Xiao Han said, "Hurry and see that she is not in the room."

"Oh." Qin Xia quickly walked to Qin Wei's room, and Division helped her, the two directly pushed the door, there is no one in the bed, and the quilt in the bed also maintains a messy gesture.

"Wat, my sister will n't really go?" Qin Xia immediately panicked.

"Don't worry, I will go see." Si Hui is looking for the bathroom, and there is no shadow of Qin Wei.

"How?" Xiao Han asked.

"People are gone." Qin Xia's emotion was a little excited. "She must feel the land, so she will not speak."

"Don't worry, I ask the bodyguard." Xiao Han immediately asked the bodyguard, "Where is the big lady going?"

"This, we don't know, in addition to the half an hour of switching, we have been going outside, did not see the big sister left." The bodyguard said.

"She is definitely quiet when you change the class." Xiao Han is angry, "I am not told you to watch her? How do you do things?"


"Here is a letter!" Si Hui found a bottle on the bedside table, and she immediately walked through the letter to Qin Xia. Qin Xiya opened the letter, it is Qin Wei's written -

"Xia, when you see this letter, I have gone, please forgive my weakness, I really don't have a way to face my grandfather, facing my grandfather, facing you, facing the soul of Mommy, In the face of Qinjia, face everything you do ...

Now look back, this is like a nightmare, and I am in my dreams, I lost my reason, because jealousy and fame and fortune, I actually calculate my kisites. Inverted Mommy, there is a serious injury, and now it is seriously injured, and my fat in my belly is a poor victim.

I want to think about those past events, still the heart, such as a knife, tears, unbearable, just want to stay away from home, one is quiet.

Xia, my sister, you are kind, your kindness has won happiness for you, so you have a child who really loves your man and health, no matter which corner of my sister in the world, I will bless you.

Bless you happiness, forever, forever! ! !

Please take care of your place, just my last request, even though I know, you will do it and do it well.

Don't look for me, I will not find some shortcomings, waiting for your child to be born, if you can forgive me, I will come back! At present, my dear sister ... "

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