Seeing this letter, Qin Xia is in a hundred intersections, complicated is difficult to understand, she can understand Qin Wei's mood, and I agree with her to a strange place.

However, Qin Xia worried that Qin Wei, her body was still so weak, and she left alone, she won't be dangerous.

"Xia, don't worry, your sister will not have something." Xiao Han slammed with Qin Xiya, sighed, "people sometimes walked wrong, stop looking for a direction, to return to normal. Give her a little time. "

"Well." Qin Xia sighed, "You don't want to go to the police? Go."

"Yes, I have to go." Xiao Han kissed the forehead of Kiss Qinxi, "Don't think about it, I am coming back."



Xiao Han hurriedly left, from the elevator, straight to the parking lot, I am preparing to get on the bus, the Le Lee car will come over, he will say hello to him: "Leis, you so fast."

"The situation is urgent." Le Le joked from the car and rushed to the hospital.

"Wait a minute." Xiao Han called him, "You are so anxious, will n't you find Qin Wei?"

"Yes, I am looking for him." Leigh nodded.

"She has gone." Xiao Han out.

"What?" Lereli stopped his footsteps, looked at him, "She is gone? Where?"

"I don't know, I will leave a letter to Xia, and then I will leave." Xiao Han frowned, "Do you want to tell her Han Xiu City?"

"Worse !!!" Leisha's face will become more dignified, "what can I do? When will she go? Where do you walk? Have you ever ask your bodyguard?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head, "she left a letter, I said that I was quiet, I didn't plan to find her, after all, now ..."

"I will check it myself, you will go to the police station first." Leizu ran like an arrow.

Xiao Han looked at his back, I always felt something wrong, Le Leng was anxious to find Qin Wei, and he refused to say the truth. Is there anything? It may be a matter of case. After all, he has already applauded that do not want to involve the matter, they are also in love.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han opened the car, straight to the police ...


Blue Qian Yu is still helping the president of Xiao Qi's post, receives Leles' call; "Qian Yu, Qin Wei, I just checked out the bogies, I knew that she had already boarded the plane to France."

"What? What is her good end to France?" Blue Qian Yu asked, "Wenhai seems to be in France, in case she can be bad!"

"Don't worry, I immediately sent people to France to find her." Leishake said, "Yes, I just got a good news, my people have already found the falling of Yamamoto, I turned out to San Francisco. Now I am still First, go to grasp the martial arts, the case of Wenhai has slowly come slowly, first put the mountains in the martial arts, and the night flames can be turned. "

"You are right, you will be tight about the night flames. You hurry." Blue Qian Yu urged, "Be sure to grab the mountains."

"Know it." Le Le said, "I have already booked a ticket after two hours. Now I am ready to go back to the airport. You are careful, let Zhao Jun followed."

"Well, you are also, be careful!"


Hanging up the phone, the blue thousand is still very worried, New York is very far from San Francisco, and the plane has to delay a day and a half. Now it is less than three days left, and I don't know if I have a holiday. Can't come, ...

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