"Qian Yu!" Xiao Han's voice came, the blue thousands of feathers turned back, "said the fire," What is the situation? Xiao Qi really ... dead? "

"Hey, I have sent an anchor." The sigh of Blue Qian Yu is sad, "Zhu Min is crying, you can see Xiao Jinpeng, very poor."

Xiao Han did not speak, looked back at the direction of the test, but did not open the pace, thinking that I used to fight with Xiao Qi to fight, once again, Xiao Qi's self-shackles were put on the feet, now he finally went, Xiao Han He is not happy in your heart.

Sometimes, jealous flames will burn more than just enemies, and yourself. .

"Don't have any psychological burden, this thing is nothing to do with you." Blue Qian Yu comfortable, "Yes, why do you want to go to France? Do you know?"

"She is going to France? Le Le is so fast?" Xiao Han was amazed at Le Le 's efficiency.

"Well, he checked the mirror record." Blue Qian Yu said bluntly, "Xiao Qi said a word before dying, and I was very excited. He said that he did not know clear, but I speculated that he meant Qin Wei's hand on the Wemewood of Wenhai, so I let Leizie go to Qin Wei. "

"You tell me these things, aren't I am afraid that I will disclose it to Wenhai?" Xiao Han deeply looked at her, "After all, I have no relationship with him."

"Since I tell you, I believe you." Blue Qian Yu Yang looked lips, "Xiao Han, we have experienced so many things, I have already understood that it is not black and white, sin, and finally it is necessary."

"Hey ..." Xiao Han sighed, heavily said, "For the former for a sigh, you can fight for you, now I know that the highest realm of human nature is tolerance. Let others, let yourself. His hate, it is also a heavy shackle for yourself. "

"Yes." Blue Qianyu nodded, "You now understand this reason is not late, maybe Xiao Qi also understand, just ... too late."

"Unfortunately, Poor, Sad ..." Xiao Han shook his head sigh, "If you can come again, I will never grab Xiao, I will not grab you, because of love, not used to grab."

"I have passed, Xiao Qi put it down, you put down." Blue Qianyu patted his shoulders, "Go see Xiao Boxing, no matter what, he once raised for so many years, you also called him. Many years old. "

"I know." Xiao Han nodded, "Yes, Qin Wei was because he did not dare to face it, so she would choose to leave, she said that she just wants to be quiet."

"I know, thank you." Blue Qianyu said, "I have to go now, I have to deal with some things, here is handed to you. I will accompany the two old people, tolerant them to them."

"Well." Xiao Han was sent to the blue milf, turned to the anchor to go ...

Xiao Jinpeng is sitting on the ground, completely without the former temperament, the whole person is frustrating like a dead tree, no life.

Xiao Han saw him, I didn't know how to comfort him, just quietly stood one side, quietly looked at it, accompanied, he was very sad in his heart, just everything has become a foregone, can't save ...

"You said ..." Xiao Jinpeng suddenly spoke, the voice is low and the hoarse, "Do you really have a ghost in this world?" Is it true? "

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