"Maybe ..." Xiao Han didn't know what to say, he did not good at comforting people.

"If there is a ghost ..." Xiao Jinpeng looked up at the surroundings, "Xiao Qi will not be here, look at us?"

Xiao Han watched his eyes: "He looked at us so flattened, it should be gratified, people become ghosts, there will be no complaints, everything is seen through ..."

"How can I not complain?" Xiao Jinpeng's voice was swallowed. "He will blame me, I don't want to educate him, guide him, let him walk."

"No." Xiao Han said, "He wants to complain, it is also grievances. It is one step by step."

"Oh ... don't say it." Xiao Jinpeng's weakness raised his hand, interrupted Xiao Han's words -

"People are dead, what do you say? What's more, he has no complaints, it will become a grievance. You just said that people are dead, everything shot, don't take this, don't take grievances After the next life, you can have a beautiful life !! Just don't encounter my father again ... "

When I said the last sentence, Xiao Jinpeng's tears slipped down, "I am not qualified as his father."

Xiao Hanxin is like a blocked, it is very uncomfortable, he wants to comfort Xiao Jinpeng, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Thank you for coming to see us." Xiao Jinpeng looked up with him, "At this time, you can stand here, it is the best comfort to us."

Xiao Han lowered, silent halfway, sincere say: "Sorry, I didn't expect to have such a result, I really didn't think ..."

"If you don't have to say, we understand, you go back, go to your business, don't worry about us." Xiao Jinpeng interrupted his words. "If you don't understand the happen at this time, then my son is really white. .. "

"Okay." Xiao Han didn't want to say anymore, "I will send people the post, settled, and take care of you, let you take his ashes back to Hong Kong."

"Thank you." Xiao Jinpeng nodded.

"I will go first, goodbye." Xiao Han deeply saw him, turned and left, and the pace was very heavy ...

When he recalls very small, when he is innocent, he and Xiao Qi don't know what is grievance. If you don't understand what is wild, what is a small three, they also called the brothers, play together, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile Happiness is incomparable.

It's just that the idea of ​​adults instilled them, and everything slowly changed.

Now that they can't blame, they can only complain.

If their parents can be loyal to love, they are responsible for their families, and they care for their children, maybe they will not cause so many tragers.

Xiao Han, Xiao Qi, Blue Qian Yu, Night Flame, and Yao Yao, they all extend the tragedy of the unfortunate of the previous generation.

No one can be spared.

Just like Blue Qian Yu, from the beginning, he insists on his own principles, so the positive energy on her body makes these men.

Xiao Han, the Night Flake is because of timely awake, so after thousands of times, they can have happiness.

And Xiao Qi, Qiang Yao, but they wake up too late. When I arrived, I didn't know what was the most important. What should be cherished, but unfortunately, I will no longer give them heavy An opportunity to come once, everything has become a foregone.

Wrong, it is always wrong ...

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