"You can have this heart, I am very grateful. In fact, I have just hesitating, don't find you to help, saying, I don't have some tricky things now, but I don't want to owe you too much, I am afraid that I am afraid that I will not clear."

"How do you say this?" Said Louis, Unpalad, "What is the help between friends, what is not owed?"

"But I have never done anything for you." Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed, "It's always seeking your help, this is not called each other."

"Okay, don't give me a look." Louis Bojue laughed, "You talk about it, what is it?"

"I want to ask the judge to postpone a few days later, and the judge is not willing to see me at all." Blue Qian Yu said.

"I didn't make a relationship with that person, just heard that this person, my iron is selfless, just is not Ah, it is called to take over this case, I can try to find him, but I can't guarantee you. After all, this case It has attracted the attention of the US political world, the judiciary is highly valued, I am afraid it will not change it easily! "

"I understand, you can help me try to talk about it, I can't do it, I think other ways, thank you."

"You're welcome." Routenstein said, "This way, I am with the Dorm judge, you will see him with me, you should be more formal as the family of the parties."

"Okay, let me not know when you are about a good time, I will go with you. Thank you again!"

"Don't thank me in the future, I really want to thank me, use other methods."

"Other methods?" Queen's consciousness asked, "What do you want? As long as I have, I will give you."

"Of course, every woman is there." Louis Earl is out of mouth.

"What is it?" Queen Qian Yu asked.

"Oh, let's make a joke, don't say these, I will contact Dorm judge first."

"Okay, bye."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu is holding a mobile phone, and the heart faintly uneasy, the Louis Earl did helping her, if there is no assistance in Louis Earl, she can't succeed, and I can't succeed. Han Xiu City.

In fact, she also understood her heart. No one will help her, Louis Earl and her friend, who is only a friend of Pingshui, although they always treat her, but he is obvious about her.

He likes her, this is an uncomfortable fact.

He said that he would not force her, and even willing to help her save the night flame, but do not rule out that he will have other ideas.

YING is very open to that kind of thing, especially the man, the sex and love are very open, he will not ... give her a requirement?

Thinking of this, Blue Qianyu can't help but be afraid, carefully weighted it, she gave Leizi called a call -

"Qian Yu, I just got off the plane, you called, you can really!"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to go to San Francisco from New York for several hours."

"I know, you are worried that I can't catch back in the day of the court, don't worry, I will try it."

Although Leizie is comforted by the blue thousand feathers, there is no bottom in his heart, and there is still two days, the flame is about to be opened. He just arrived in San Francisco, and time is likely to come ...

"I went to the Dorm judge today. I want him to ask him to push the day in the court, but he is not willing to see me." Queen Qian Yu Trial, "Le Le, do you have a way?"

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