"I have no confidence with the people in the judiciary, but Wenhai is the Ministry of Justice, I know many judges. So this is very difficult, I can't think of other ways, I can't think other ways, I can't think of other ways."

"Le Le, I just followed Shen Shu, there is Qiao Qingtong phone, Qiao Qing reminds me ..." Blue Qian Yu's lips, whispered, "told me to find your girlfriend to help."

"Do you say Philippine?" Leizie has some accidents. "I know that Qiao Qing's mind, Feier is the French princess, but she never involves this kind of thing, and she is old, I don't know what I know. High officials, I am afraid I can't help us. "

"You are right." Blue Qian Yu didn't want to be difficult, "I know, I know, I think other ways."

"Qian Yu, not I don't want to make the Philippine help, only Philippine is not worthless, but she can't do this in this regard, can you understand me?"

"I understand, I don't know how to understand Philippine? I haven't seen it yet, so I will ask you, you say it clearly, I will understand, you can rest assured, I have other ways."

"Is there any other way?"

"Looking for Louis, he will help me."

"Well, Puja, Louis, should have this strength, but I am worried, you have known him for a few days, he has been helping you, really doesn't matter? Although others are very good, it does not mean no requirements."

"I think so, he probably wants to do business with the night partnership, is he not in the US market? Waiting for the night flames, they can cooperate."

"Oh, right, it is also possible."

"You don't have to worry, I will have an in size, you go to you, I have to go to the thousand wings."



Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu is deeply sighing, William Feier is not worth it, now she only puts all the hopes on Louis Earl.


Blue Qian Yu took a while for a while, took a shower, exhausted lying on the bed.

She is really tired, her eyes are not open, I really want to sleep well, but I am chaotic in my mind, thinking about all kinds of chaos, and can't sleep. .

I don't know if the Route March can't convince the Dorm judge to delay the day of the court. If you can convince, what kind of demand he will put on her? ?

I thought about it for a long time. At three am, Blue Qian Yu finally fell asleep ...


I didn't remember how long I slept, Blue Qian Yu was woken up by the phone ringtone. She recently be particularly sensitive to the phone ringtone, because it is possible to be a big news, I don't dare to neglect, I will turn over and get on the phone: "Hey!"

"Wake you up?" Lu Zi's gentle voice came.

"Nothing." Blue Qian Yu looked at the clock on the wall, it was 9:30, it turned out that she slept for so long.

"I have already appointed Dorm judge, I meal at noon today." Earl of Louis said, "in my house!"

"Is it in your home?" Blue Qian Yu is a little unexpected.

"Yes." Louis Earl solemnly said, "This case is not a small, if we are outside to see the Dorm judge, in case of being photographed, people will say that we bribe judges, but will not only be subject to Dorm. According to the punishment, your case will also be implicated, so I asked I asked in my family, so I couldn't lose. "

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