Blue Qian Yu is awkward, and suddenly holds the night flaming, and kisses him deeply. .

Night flames have been kissed by her, in fact, it is also passive in this regard, maybe he is too strong, she is only passive, and it is more impossible to take the initiative.

But now, she took the initiative to kiss him, but also in the face of others.

There is a driving in front of the car, and there is Zhao Jun ...

In the past, she was very concerned about these, and he felt embarrassed in the face of others.

Tonight, her take the initiative to be stunned, he thought, probably for a long time, she also felt that he wanted his desire ..

Blue Thousands of hot kisses make the night flames have a little emotion, but he dares to continue, he knows, with his current physical condition, can't give her more, so I will get back in time, and push blue thousands of feathers.

Blue Qian Yu is very shy, gently rubbing the liquid stains of the lips for him, whispered: "Go home."

"Oh ..." The night flames can't help but laugh. He loves to see her, even for so many years, she is still so pure, he always calmly.

If his body is health, how good is it, now he really regrets, there is no words before listening to her, always do not dine on time, not good and temperate, and the mood is not good, it makes it now, It's too late to regret it.

He really hopes that the time can go slowly, he can also see her shy look, you can step into the middle age, go to the white head, then enter the next year, lying in the same coffin, dust, soil, soil, Next life, you will continue with your next life ..

How beautiful is it.

Blue Qian Yu is holding the night flame, said in his ear: "Husband, I love you!"

"me too……"

The sound of the Night flaming is slight, and the blue thousand tonight makes him touched. Although there is no earth-shattering event, it is such an active little enthusiasm, deep confession, gentle hug, is enough to make his heart dissolved.

"Don't leave me ..." Blue Qian Yu added another sentence, "promised me, we have to go to the old."

"Fool, how suddenly, this?" Night flames were a little uneasy, is she found?

"Nothing .." Blue Qian Yu took a breath, gave himself an excuse, "I saw that my mother held the photo of Shen Shu's photo every day, I feel too much in my heart, but they can't keep it. Too pity I hope we don't want this. "

Night flames, I really want to tell her, won't, we will not be like this, we will stay in the old, but he can't say it, even if he is just a kind lie, he can't say it.


Zhao Jun saw that they saw them in the rearview mirror, the man of iron, couldn't help but looked around, and he went to watch the window, and the sand was blown into the eyes, gently rubbed with his hand, did not want anyone Find.

When life is always cruel, when we are young, we don't know how to cherish, meet the most beautiful love, but to get to each other, thousands of times, until the sailing, thousands of sails, only understand the true meaning of "cherish" two words .

Unfortunately, everything is too late, and fate no longer give you a chance to come.

He wants to take away your most loved one, so that you can't do it.


Going home, Night flaming in order to cover his weakness, let's take a bath.

"I have to give you a nightlight." Blue Qian Yu hooks his neck, "You like to eat me as cooked beef porridge, yesterday, I will cook it tonight."

"Well." The night flames sorted out the hair in her ear. "You go to the kitchen slowly, I will go to the book, and I have something to handle, waiting for you to cook, I will deal with it, let's take a bath together. "

"Well." Blue Qian Yu picked him, turned to go to the building.

Looking at her back in Night flaming, he is warm and tenderness, if you can always have a lifetime, how good. .

The stomach is once again transmitted sharp colic, and the night flames are in a hurry into the book.

Zhao Jun took a black packet to come in, put the door to the door, just prepared to talk, the night flames did not plead: "I have said, let you take it late in the middle of the night? Well?"

"The owner went out, no one outside, the drug is put in the bag, there will be no one knows what, and you can't delay the time of taking medicine, otherwise the condition will be aggravated." Zhao Jun worried he.

"What? Don't use this kind of watching to look at me, I am going to die soon?" The night flamested at him.

Zhao Jun immediately opened his eyes and didn't dare to see him again.

"Take the medicine tonight, then put the package, don't let anyone find it." Night flame command.

"Yes." Zhao Jun opened the black parcel, which was installed in various medicines. He followed the instructions to pick a medicine to the night flame, giving him a cup of warm water, then hiding black small bag in the wardrobe top.

Night flames looked at this big medicine in his hand, and there was no frowning, and the whole medicine was poured into the mouth and swallowed with water.

"Master, you listen to Dr. Jiang, go to surgery, now the cancer cells have just started spread, and there is still a lot of surgery for early surgery, if dragged down ..."

"Now it is a vital moment, even if it is a day, I can't squeeze it. I have to take a few months. I have no time, and you have, you are in my ear every day, my The ear is coming to the scorpion, don't say it again ... "

"But the owner, if you don't treat it now, drag to the late stage, it is really not to rule, even if you have the meaning of such a big family?"

"At least I can let Qian Yu, the thousand wings, and grandfather, there is no worries." Night flames sigh, "later, even if they don't be bullied, they can live a superior life."

Zhao Jun took his head and didn't dare to talk.

Night flames were silent for a few seconds, and they indifferently reminded: "Remember, before going out every morning, come to the study to take two medicine belts on the body, wait for no one to give me again, don't let people discover."

"I know, master." Zhao Jun nodded.

"Go out." The night flame waved.

"Yes." Zhao Jun left the room and gently belt the door.

The night flames were exhausted, sitting on the leather chair, closed the eyes a few minutes, then opened the computer, started to handle the business, he wants to do what he wants to do in a limited life, now, His time is very limited, just a second, it is precious.

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