Blue Qian Yu boils porridge in the kitchen, she knows that the night flaming is interested in helping her. Is he probably take medicine? Worried, etc., she will doubt, he is ready to work in advance.

The kitchen maid was taken away by Blue Qian Yu, only her alone, she bleed porridge with silver spoons, while crying, bitter tears dripped in porridge, nor did she change the taste of the porridge .

Blue Qianpi sucks a breath, wipes the tears, and continues to stir the porridge.

Time passed, half an hour, the porridge finally cooked, Blue Qian Yu took the porridge in a small bowl and used the tray.

"Mrs. Young!" Zhao Jun has been guarding outside the book of Night flames, seeing her, he quickly greeting, "The owner is still dealing with official duties, it should be good."

"It doesn't matter, I ask him." Blue Qianyu gently sounded the door of the study.

"What?" The voice of the Night flame came.

"Flame, can I come in?" Blue Qian Yu asked gently.

"Of course, you can." Night flames stuffed the packed paper into the trash.

Blue Qian Yu pushed the door.

"Cook so soon?" Night flames smiled at her, "I still have a document to be reviewed. It is about a few minutes, I will return to you."

"Don't worry, time is early." Blue Qian Yu put the porridge in front of Night flames, "I am afraid that you are hungry, you go to the mother's home for more than 7 o'clock, definitely not eat, so give you a porridge first. You have a porridge and then busy, I will go back to your house to put a bath water. "

"My wife is really thoughtful." The night flamested her face and knew her lips.

"Oh ..." Blue Qianyu smiled, got a trash can on the table, there was a pacating small paper film to the ground, her heart seems to be very close, it is very uncomfortable, but I don't have anything, "I will return to the house waiting for you, you come over."

"Know it." Night flames nodded.

Blue Qian Yu turned away, strongly enduring the soreness in his heart, pretending to look like anything. .


Going back to the room, close the door, Blue Thousands can no longer can't help, cover the sadness of the mouth, know how much pressure and pain in the night flames, a person is hard, but she can't do anywife, but what can be done For him, she feels that she is really impossible.


The night flames looked at the beef porridge on the table, and the heart was warm, the porridge was very thick, the small beef is cooked very bad, and there are some carrots, he likes to eat, usual Blue Qianyu If the father and son can eat the little sand pot porridge, the other is not left.

I haven't heard this familiar taste. I have a porridge while the night flames, I am sighing in my heart, I will make me live more than a few years. Let me accompany my beloved person ...


Blue Qian Yu puts water into the bathtub, then sitting next to it, it is a group of numbness, guessing what is going on in the bottom of the night flavor, is it very serious? Otherwise, why do he want to look at her? Why do you take such a lot of medicine? ? ?

It's thinking, the mobile phone suddenly rang, the blue thousands of feathers came back, quickly went to the bedroom, took out the phone from the bag.

The phone is called by Louis, and Blue Qian Yu did not panic as it was as confusing before, because after the last time I went to Shen Sanghai, Louis Earl is no longer entangled in the past, now, if nothing, he will not give her anymore. Telephone texting, he contacts her, necessarily there is important thing.

Blue Qianyu quickly answers the phone: "Earl of Louis!"

At this time, I walked to the door, I was preparing to open the door, I heard this call, and suddenly took the action, my heart, fierce.

It's so late, she is still talking to Louis Bo Tue, the sound is still so gentle, what are they talking about? He wanted to listen to it, but Blue Qian Yu seems to be lowered, he heard is intermittent, it is not clear.

"Qian Yu, I just got the news, Wemewood didn't know where to turn out the night's scandal, ready to make the media to promote, and he has been entangled Backe, I want Bacle to spend the night, tonight he will be Bacle Cover the yacht, you will remind your husband, let him carefully prepare. "

"Are you not signed?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"The last time we signed a letter of intention to contract, it is not officially signed, because our business investment is very large, the detailed project has not planned yet, so it is just a preliminary agreement, it is officially signed and will wait for the next month. In other words, Bacha now has the power of repentance! "

"How can it be ..." Blue Qian Yu is not showing.

"You don't worry, first discuss your husband, maybe he will have a way to cope with it." Routenstein said, "Right, his condition, how did you ask? There should be no more?"

"No, I didn't ask." Blue Qian Yu took the door, slammed with the microphone, whispered, "You don't say this, you will keep it confidential for me."

"Know it." Louis Earl promised, "about the Wemeworthy, you will discuss your husband, see if you can't solve it, you can't solve it, come to me, I will return to France at 8:00 pm tomorrow, and some time "

"Well, I will see the situation tomorrow, I can't find you."

This sentence is just heard by the night flame. He is trembled. She is going to find the Louis Earl, why? ? ?

"Whether you can't give me a reply, wait for you to call."

"I know, thank you, let's rest early, good night."

"good night."


Hanging up the phone, the mood of Blue Qian Yu is very heavy, the Wemewood is going to align the night, now the night flame is so bad, the company's things are enough, where is it necessary to deal with Wemewood?

I can't share anything, this time I have to solve these troubles for him.

It's awkward, and the night flames pushed the door. Blue Qian Yu was shocked. He looked back at him. He looked at him, but it quickly returned to calm: "Back, things are busy?"

"Well." The night flame stared at the mobile phone in her hand. "Just answering the phone?"

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is a little heart, "Yes."

"Who is playing?" The night flame looked deeply.

"Qiao Qing." Blue Qian Yu is out of mouth, "she asked me not to go tomorrow."

"Hey." Night flames nodded, but the heart fell into the bottom of the valley, you are clearly called with Louis Earl, why do you want me? If you really have n'thing, why can't you tell me? Do I am so unciting? You hit me with him, I still met tomorrow, are you really changed?

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