"I put it in the water, let's take a shower first." Blue Qian Yu off the jacket for the night flame, unwinding the tie, and took off the shirt for him.

"I am coming yourself." The night flames gently opened her hand and turned into the bathroom.

Blue Qian Yu looked at his back, and he was a little uneasy. He seems to have suddenly become indifferent. What did you hear?

The night flames enclosed in the bathroom door, both hands on the washing station, the body touched slightly, looked at the mirror, no longer as good as before, glory, but becomes slim, melancholy, such a It is also no wonder that Blue Qian Yu will don't like it ...

"Hey!" Blue Qian Yu knocked on the door outside, "Flame, can I come in?"

Night flames recovered their thoughts, faint response: "Come in."

Blue Qian Yu came in, smile with his gentle smile: "I wash with you."

Said, she is ready to take off her clothes ...

"No, let's go." Night flames said, "If you want you to wash first."

"What happened to you?" Blue Qian Yu frowned him, "It seems to be hiding for me."

"No ..." Night flames found an excuse, "I just ... just the stomach is somewhat uncomfortable, you have to wash your hands."

"Hey." Blue Qian Yu has a lip, and the courage is said. "In fact, the phone just called Earck."

The night flames were slightly, she just lied him, but now I said the truth, why?

Blue Qian Yu is holding the hand of the Night flaming, and the dignity said: "He said to me, Wemeworhe I don't know where to get the scandal of the night home, ready to make the media to be big. I have been so tired, my body is not very good. I want to solve this thing I have, so I have n'thing to do with him, you don't think about it. "

She did not tell the contract, because she knew that the media over the media was able to cope, but the contract is difficult, and the night flame fee is not necessarily able to solve, not to mention that he is so serious, the company There are so many things waiting for him to deal with it. She doesn't want him to make himself too tired because of these things, so I want to help him think about it. I can't discuss it.

"These things, you should tell me directly, although I am very busy, but I am still solved, my family is enough, how can I make you feel free?"

The night flamested blue and blue feathers, gave him a suspiciousness, and she was thinking about him, he really should not doubt him.

"I didn't share anything for your wife. I am very embarrassed." Blue Qianyu sadly said, "You are getting more thin, you are not very thin, I don't have time to accompany you, I know you I am very busy, I really want to do something for you. "

"Fool, I am fine." The night flames hold her face and kisses her forehead. "Your husband is iron, it will not be so easy."

"Well." Blue Qianyu sang out a smile, but the heart was tears, and suddenly, she tried, "Yes, my husband, Shen Shu is going to do things, is your stomach is not also committed? Later, I still listened to Zhao Jun, say you have fainted, there are too many things happened in this stage, I have no chance to ask, how is your disease? How did Jiang Dr. said? "

"I have asked me last time, I also told you." Night flamested, "I was because I had a bitterness because I had something to eat, and later Jiang gave me clear stomach, and opened again. I have some medicine, I have time to eat every day, isn't it almost ok? "

"Then you have a bad color recently, it's so powerful, what is going on?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"Hey ..." The sigh of the night flames, "Shen Shu uncle out, everyone's mood is not good, let alone, if I turned, I turned into that, now inverting Shen Shu accidentally died, I am really embarrassing Every night, I dreamed of him, and I will not regret it. Maybe because of the mood, it will be so bad. Are you not the same? Recently, it's also thin, dark circles come out. "

The night flames holds the face of Blue Thousand and gently Moke her eyes.

"Well, there is not good condition recently." Blue Qianfeng nodded.

"Okay, don't say it, let's take a shower." Night flames laughed with Blue Qian Yu Shi.

"What are you doing? You just said that you don't wash with me." Blue Qian Yu said.

"Just teasing you ..." The night flames pinch the blue cheeks.



The two played in the bathroom, bathing together in the bathtub, looked at the blue thousand feathers in the bathroom, the desire in the body is ready to move, tonight, the blue thousand is very moving, the two are deeply lingering ...


In the middle of the night, the two are sleeping, the blue thousands of sleep are very familiar, but the night flames have sleepless because of stomach pain, I am afraid to get to Blue Qianyu, so I have been strong, I don't dare to have any movement until the blue thousand is sleeping. He opened his eyes.

He tightly glanced, biting his lower lips, licked his stomach, he carefully took out the arm of Blue Thousands of pillow, got up to eat anneal pain.

Blue Qianfeng fasci was awakened, opened his eyes and looked at the night flame, found that he walked in the wine cabinet, her heart was worried, this time he wants? Will not drink a drink?

In order not to wake up the blue thousand feathers, the night flame did not turn on, lighting it with mobile phone, he walked to the wine cabinet, and looked back at the eyes, Blue Qian Yu immediately closed his eyes.

I found that Blue Qian Yu is still "sleeping", the night flames are plenty of breath, find out the pain relief in the wine cabinet.

Blue Qian Yu saw this scene, and the heart was so sad in the heart, he must be very hurtful, and the three in the middle of the night will relieve the drug relief. It seems that he is really ill.

I took the painkiller, and the night flames sat in the wine cabinet and took a while, and drunk the cup warmth water, only to go to bed.

Blue Qianyu closed his eyes, slept well, didn't want him to discover.

The night flame is lying next to Blue Qianyu, and puts a arm with her shoulders, put her tightly in his arms, kissed her hair, thinking of her sick, he couldn't help but sad Low : "Qian Yu, Qian Yu, I love thousands of feathers, I will not leave you, I really can't help ..."

Blue Qianyu curled up in his arms, biting the lower lips, and heard the impulse of crying. He looked over, naturally woke up, lazy whispered: "Husband, you haven't slept yet?"

"Oh, no, I got up to the bathroom." The night flamestered hurriedly, and my heart was shocked. I woke up her, she won't hear anything? "

"Husband, I just made a dream ..." Blue Qian Yu held the neck of the night flame, looked up at him, "Dreaming we are old, enjoy the sun in the yard, thousand wings with girlfriend home, his woman Friends are beautiful. "

"Haha ..." The night flames were amused by her, "Really? Is there a beautiful?"

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