"It is much better than me." Blue Qian Yu said, "The eyes are bigger than me, the face is smaller than me, the body is better than me."

"Hu said eight." The night flames bite a nose of Blue Qianyu. "No one is more beautiful than you."

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu turned over the night flames, kissed his lips, "Husband, in the future, we have to be happy every day."

"Well." The night flames weights, yes, let's open, live every minute, every second, cherish this short and beautiful time ...

"Husband, I love you." Blue Qianfeng kissed him, she especially enthusiastic tonight, especially take the initiative, night flames are frightened ...


Maybe it's a painkiller, the second half of the night, the night flames didn't hurt again, and the physical strength was not bad, and it was warm with Blue Qianyu, and then fell asleep.

But this time, change blue and fell, she snuggled in his arms, her face was in his chest, felt his strong heartbeat, tears couldn't help but down, recalling the night flame in her ear In the words, she is touched and sad. .

I can't help but kiss the chest of the night flaming, saying in my heart: "Husband, I will not let you leave me, no ..."


In the morning, when the night flames came, I didn't see the bluity of Blue Qian Yu, and he shouted in the bathroom: "Wife!"

No one responded, the night flames looked at time, only 6:30, so early, did she go to my mother home?

I thought, the door was suddenly pushed away. Blue Qianfei came in with two big bowls of hot grain porridge, rushing his gentle smile: "Husband, wake up!"

"So early, you go to boil porridge?" The night flames sat up.

"Yeah, I am used to getting up early." Blue Qian Yu put the porridge in the round table, "I will get started, I have a porridge, I will go to the garden to take a walk, now you get late every morning, not in the car is in the car. In the company, it is rare to see the sun, which is not good for the body. "

"Okay." The night flame got up to the bathroom, saw the toothpaste on the washing station, the towel, he couldn't help but move, the blue thousands of feathers gave him a good time, such a thoughtful wife is really good.

He is so mood, quickly washing, from the bathroom, blue thousands of feathers have also chose his clothes, rushing his sweet laugh, then give him a dress: "Hey, don't move."

"Wife, you are so good." Night flame kissed her forehead.

"I will take care of you this day." Blue Qian Yu is proud to say, "Let my husband have no worries, this is the responsibility of my wife."

"Oh ..." The night flames smiled, "Do you want to go to my mother today?"

"Now you have six o'clock, wait for you to finish, I will go with you, I have been in the past, they just got up." Blue Qian Xia said, "Tonight, you go home early, I bring a small wing. He came back to accompany you, he didn't see you for a long time. "

"Good." Night flames smile nod.

"Okay, sit down, I will wear pants." Blue Qianyu pushed him into bed.

"I will wear it myself." Night flaming is sinking, "There is a hand, you can't let you wait."

"Okay, you will eat porridge first, I will go up with the fruit and vegetable salad." Blue Qian Yu turned out.

Night flames saw her back, the smile on his face was very bright, and the stress brought by sick was ..


Blue Qian Yu and Night Flags have breakfast together, go out, he go to the company, the car is going to have a sink home, so Blue Qian Yu does not drive, take his car directly.

On the road, she told him that the fun of Xiaoyangyi, teased him, since she was in Shenzhanghai, they almost didn't laugh, he knew that she was interested in teasing him, letting him happy, this heart is Moved.

Zhao Jun saw a smile on the night flame face, but he was very pleased, but at the same time, he was worried that he worried about the condition of the night flame, and then continued to deteriorate, and the consequences were unimaginable.

"Right, husband, today I want to go out, take Zhao Jun to use it?" Blue Qian Yu suddenly said.

"What do you want to do?" The night flames asked seriously, "the company and the night's lives gave me seriously, I will deal with it, you don't do it."

"You can rest assured, I have no energy to take care of it." Blue Thousand is white, "Isn't this Lei Shu uncle to New York last night? He may think that it is already late in the night, afraid to disturb your mother's rest So I didn't come directly. I am going to welcome him, but I feel that it is not sincerity, you have no time, I think, I will take Zhao Jun to mean what you mean. "

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Night flames remembered this thing, "It should be a greet, don't you, I will cancel the morning work, take him with you?"

"Forget it, you are so busy, don't go." Blue Qian Yu immediately said, "Shu Shi Shi is not so worked, you will come back early, I personally kit, play him in my mother's home."

"Also." Night flames, "Then I will give him a call later."

"Right, it is to call." Blue Qian Xia said.

"Zhao Jun, waiting for the car in Shenjia, you have opened my car to pick up the uncle, explain my sincerity to him." Night flame to Zhao Jun command.

"Okay, master."


Lamborghini in the Night flame stopped in the mouth of Shenjia, the night flame took the bus with the car, and the Bentley of Blue Qian Yu went to the company.

Zhao Jun and Blue Thousand Feats sent him to leave, wait for him to go, Zhao Jun said: "Young Mrs., do you want to go in to visit Shen Mrs? What time?"

"Uncle Lei is already coming over, we don't have to meet." The smile on the blue bride face.

"Ah?" Zhao Jun stunned, did not understand why Blue Qian Yu suddenly changed, since Lei Zhen Ting has come, why should she lie to lie to liab, saying to pick up?

"Get a bus." Blue Qian Yu went to the car.

"Lady, where is this going?" Zhao Jun hurriedly followed.

"Go to Dr. Jiang there." Blue Qian Yu sat on the coke position.

Zhao Jun was flustered in his heart, bad, what did you discover?

"Zhao Jun, I always thought that you were loyal to Night, I didn't expect you to be selfish." Blue Qian Yu looked at Zhao Jun.

"Lady, my loyalty to the owner, the world can be treated, will never betray him." Zhao Jun is anxious, "Do you misunderstand?"

"Loyalty?" Blue Qian Yu's voice is swallowed. "His condition is relaxed so serious, you don't tell me, let him continue such a delay treatment, don't you know, this will have his life?"

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