"What? How can it be like this?" Zhao Jun was very shocked. "The owner has signed with them, how can I ruin?"

"Louis Earl told me that it is just a preliminary agreement. It is not a formal contract. Buckle as the leader of this business, there is also a chance to choose." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "I haven't told the flame, I haven't told the flame." I am afraid that he is worried that he is so bad now, and the company is busy. If you put such a big pressure in him, he will bear. "

"Lady, you are really not easy, you have to take care of your home, you have to solve it for the owner." Zhao Jun felt more than emotion, "I have a lot of things in the night, it is really windy, I don't know when Can really calm down. "

"Will be fine, just have to spend this difficult time, everything can be solved." Blue Qian Yu looked at the time on the watch, "I have a lot of things today."

"it is good."


At 8:30 to the doctor's clinic, the clinic has just opened the door, the nurse is packing things, Jiang Dr. Yao has not come, Zhao Jun has called a call, and Dr. Jiang has rushed over five minutes. Hurry to the office, see Blue Qian Yu, He stunned: "Mrs. Young!"

"How? See I am very unexpected?" Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly.

"Not ..." Jiang did not know if Zhao Jun glanced at the Zhao Jun, "said young lady, don't know what to tell?"

"I have anything, otherwise I will not come." Blue Qian Yu pointed to the opposite seat, "sit."

Dr. Jiang did not sit on the chair. Blue Qian Yu directly asked: "The condition of Night flaming, I already know, I will find you today, I want to figure out the details."

Jiang did not shocked in his heart: "Do you know? This, is this a night telling you?"

"You don't want to told me, in short, I have already known now, how? I ask you, don't you say it?" Blue Qian Yu looked at him.

"No, not ..." Dr. Jiang did not dare to say, "Just, the young master will repeat three times, let me not disclose this thing ..."

"Tony said nonsense." Blue Qian Yu interrupted his words, "I don't have time to consume it here, you talk, what is the situation?"

Dr. Jiang was hesitant. He knew that the temper of the night flames. In case, when he arrived, he knew that he leaked the confidentiality, he would pay attention to him.

"Dr. Jiang, if you are good for the master, tell the little grandmother, the owner is refused to accept treatment, then dragging it, and the consequences are unimaginable." Zhao Jun advised.

"Hey ..." Jiang doctor sighed, "Young Mrs, the owner is a thousand ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So dragged down, delayed the best treatment period, it will not be. "

"Zhao Jun said, his cancer cells spread?" Blue Qian Yu, "Is this true?"

"Well." Jiang doctor nodded, "When he drunk blood, I found that cancer cells spread, so I was so anxious, so solemnly remind you, you must supervise his diet, and I Also used a heavy medicine, he didn't want to eat anything. I didn't expect him to be a day ... "

"That is blame me, I don't manage him." Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed.

"Young master is not a three-year-old child, how can you blame you? He, it is too much to take his body seriously. Now I am in his ear, told him to put down the work, fully accept treatment, how is he? I don't listen, it is more desperate than before. In fact, I was afraid that he had a psychological burden, and he had a cancer cell. He was prepared to tell Bao and his old crowd. I didn't expect him to succumb. "

"Is it necessary to conduct a second operation?" Blue Qian Yu asked, "said, there is other treatment plan?"

"His cancer cells have spread, and they must be subjected to the second operation as soon as possible." Dr. Jiang said solemnly, "and the earlier, the chance of success, the greater the speed of success. This time cannot be more than three months. Three months, he didn't want surgery, nor the opportunity. "

"Understand." Blue Qianyu is a little sad, "in any case, I have to let him accept surgery as soon as possible. He first surgery is you and the other two doctors, this time, do you have confidence?"

"To be honest, I don't have much confidence." Jiang Dr. was very embarrassed. "This time, the last time is different, the successful chance is high, now there is only 30%, the situation is not optimistic. But you don't worry, I have already Contact the two expert doctors in the year, for the young master's condition, and let them discharge the schedule, as long as the young master nodded, we can jointly seek medical attention. Young lady, you must do it now to accept treatment as soon as possible. "

"I know." Blue Qian Yu sighted a sigh of relief, decisively, "What time surgery can you be arranged?"

"Ten days later." Dr. Jiang said, "It is the 17th of this month. If the young master can be accepted, the successful chance can be at least a large."

"Well, then you will talk to the two doctors, it will be on the seventeen surgery." Blue Qian Yu said, "I will let the Night flames are proceed."

"That's great." Jiang did not take advantage of it.

"I should go." Blue Qian Yu stood up, "I will have a treatment in the afternoon, you don't tell him, I have been, in addition, I have to do surgery after ten days, now how to use medicine, do you have an inch?"

"I know, you can rest assured." Jiang did not point to the head.

"Is there anything to report it to me."



Leaving the clinic, Zhao Jun carefully asked: "Mrs. Young, do you really have confidence to convince the owner to accept treatment on time? I see him is now stubborn."

"Even if it is, it is necessary to put on the operating table." Blue Thousand is determined.

"I feel that the young master is now a bit pessimistic." Zhao Jun wrinkled, "I also advised him last night, I didn't want to be so tired. Even if I got everything, my body was governed, my buffal is meaning? You guess how he said? "

"What did he say?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"He said ... It is necessary to give you enough money before dying, let you follow your worries, don't be bullied."

When I heard this sentence, the eyes of Blue Thousand are red, yeah, from recognizing the present, the night flame has a lot of bad temper, so many years have never been changed, but he has a responsibility, responsibility, pain Cherish the hearts of the wife, will never change ...

She was fortunate, she chose him.

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