"The owner really loves you, because he is sick, he has no confidence in himself, afraid to drag you, so some suffering from loss, sometimes it is a bit sensitive, but it is also because it is too care." Zhao Jun whispered.

"I know." Blue Qian Yu said, "I will stay around him anymore."

"That's good." Zhao Jun nodded, "Young Mrs., now 9 o'clock, you are about 12 o'clock with Denyl, is it early, we are going back, or ..."

"Go to the Route Earl, I want to see the contract." Blue Qian Yu said, "clear the contract clearly, I know how to talk to Dennea."

"Okay." Zhao Jun drove to the Punker of Louis, I thought, this time, he must step with young people, she can't let her lose money.


Blue Qian Yu is on the road to Louis Bojue, "I have passed!"

Louis Earl quickly replied: "Okay, I am waiting for you at home, or last home."


The car is open to the villa of Louis, from the outskirts, from the hospital for more than forty minutes, and it has been at 9:30 when arriving.

The sky is rain, and the Earl of Louis will meet Blue Qian Yu at the door. When he saw Zhao Jun on the car, it was obviously disappointed in his eyes. He thought that Blue Qian Yu will come alone, and he didn't expect Zhao Jun.

Blue Qian Yu came down from the car, Louis Bojue raised rain umbrella to cover up, and held her arm: "Be careful, the road is slipping!"

Blue Qian Yu picks up, open the door to say: "I gave a 12 o'clock in Denia for 12 o'clock, I have to catch over at eleven points, only one hour. It is enough to see the contract?"

"Enough." Louis Mud smiled nodded, "But I thought you would send me, specially prepared a rich lunch, I didn't expect you to stay for an hour, I really made me sad."

"Sorry, I have a lot of things recently." Blue Qian Yu is somewhat embarrassing, "Next, I will eat with my husband next time."

Louis Bo rushed to the lips, she wanted to refuse him every time, he used the night flames to talk, he used to be used, but he really want to stay with her for a while, even if nothing, just quiet Sitting together, looking at her, he also thinks is a kind of enjoyment.

So he asked: "Your Jetani, is it necessary to talk about cooperation?"

"Well, I want to talk to her, I hope she can help in front of Bacle." Blue Qian Yu said bluntly, "I see her and Bache, Bache will listen to her."

"How can you determine that she will help you?"

When Louis is talking, the two have walked to the roof. He handed an umbrella to follow, Zhao Jun came over and followed them into the villa.

"I think she is very good, and when we chatted last time, maybe she will help me this."

The voice of Blue Qianyu is nothing to have, she is not very sure that Dennea will help her, after all, is such a big business, she and Denne are just the relationship between Pingshui.

"Although I hope, I can try it." Louis Bo said to the lips, took out the phone to take the phone, and the Blue Qianyu pays attention to the call of Denneia, "I will ask Daniya." What is the phone? "

"Calling her to have lunch, save you, wait a while," said Louis, "Just, you can send me."


If you haven't finished it, the phone is connected, and she heard the voice of Dan Nia: "Louis ..."

"Qian Yu is here." Louis Earl said directly.

Deniya in the phone was stunned, and he went back to God for a while: "Oh!"

"She said that you have lunches, now the address is changed, in my home, can you?" Asked the Louis Cur.

Blue Qian Yu frowned, how can the Louis Earl?

"Of course," Deni is refreshing, "is it 12 o'clock?"

"Well, twelve." Louis Capi smiled faint, "Do you want to pick you up?"

"No, I will drive it myself." Denne said, "Don't bother you and thousands of feathers, hang."



Hanging up the phone, Blue Qianyu said: "Why don't you ask me first? I clearly gave me to the Moore restaurant to meet, so that I am ignored to change the place without rude? And ..."

"I am, how many of her will sell some faces, you can see her alone, she can't help you." Louis count sat on the sofa, "Although I have a non-think of you, but I am not there." People who share, you should believe me. "

Blue Thousand is somewhat embarrassing, think about it, Dennea and Louis Earl are good friends, there is a matter of him, what is wrong, he is one of the partners, and there is also a say.

It seems that she thinks more.

"Why are you so seen? Sit." Louis Earl patted the location around.

Blue thousand is white, sit down on his opposite position, Zhao Jun stands behind her, and she is not guarded.

"You are also sitting, I don't have so many rules here." The Earl of Louis said to Zhao Jun.

"No, thank you." Zhao Jun looked at the Earl of Louis. He always waited for the Louis Earl, and always felt that Louis Earl went to the blue thousand.

Louis Bo took the mouth, no longer say.

The servant of the servant, the blue thousands of coffee, the blue thousands of feathers have taken coffee, saying "Thank you", I can't wait to ask: "Contract?"

"In the study." Louis Pissed is a cup of coffee, "Is it going now?"

"Well, I still want to figure out some regulations, hurry up." Blue Qian Yu put down the coffee cup.

"Okay." Louis Co took a coffee cup and took her upstairs, and she took coffee while drinking coffee.

"It's really envious of you, it seems that there is nothing troubles, you can't worry every day." Blue Qian Yu sighed.

"That is, I am very simple, you can't be like you, so complicated." Louis Earl said, "a family, so much grievances, say that the Night flaming did not handle things before, Will stay so much after. "

"You are still not involved, waiting for you to be officially involved, you know the trouble." Blue Qianmun is white, "My husband is different from you, he began to support home, you have Queen Asylum, of course, no worries. "

"It seems that your husband is very sacred in your heart, and I am in your heart, that is the kind of emperor, there is no ability." Louis Earl shook his head.

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