"I don't say that." Blue Qian Yu touches the nose.

"Oh." Louis, Louis, smiled, opened the door of the study, with Blue Qian Yu, and Zhao Jun also followed, but stopped him, "Apologize, the ethius is not anyone. "

Zhao Jun's brow wrinkled: "I have to protect our lady."

"There will be no danger here." That is called cold.


"Zhao Jun." Louis Earl smiled at her. "My followed may be too hard, you don't want to see it. However, my study does not feel casual, after all, there are many royal confidentials, I hope you understand. This is my home, Will not be dangerous, if you don't worry, you can wait outside. "

Zhao Jun looked back to Blue Qian Yu, and he didn't care again.

"Give Zhao to carry the stool, turn the cup of coffee." Louis Earl command.



Into the book, follow the door, and looked up at the door, shocked.

This book is very large, there is a European classical atmosphere, a high red wood bookcase, a classic picture and famous word painting of all countries, and a kind of elegant classical feeling, which makes people respect.

"My study is okay?" Louis Earl sitting in the brink of the brown, "I didn't deliberately not deliberately, the book of the royal family is really not everyone can enter."

"I understand, have you seen these books?" Blue Qian Yu is still in the study, and I didn't expect that Louis Earl is a person who pays attention to the quality of the connotation. I will read so many books.

"Almost, I don't have other hobbies, I don't like entertainment, in addition to talking about business, most of the time is reading."

When Louis is talking, the maid knocked in, and a pot of juice and several colossals. Louis else did a gesture, and they gave down the things, he gave himself a half cup of coffee, and gave it to the blue The thousands of feathers poured a cup of juice.

"It's good." Blue Qian Yu rushed him slightly.

"Hey, you laugh at me, I can't stand it." The ethics of Louis, "No one told you, your smile is very charming?"

"I hate." Blue Thousand is white.

"It is also very fascinating." Louis Cur is blinking.

"Oh ..." Blue Qianyu smiled, "Okay, don't joking, hurry to show me the contract."

"The first bookcase, the third floor, the sixth row, the second drawer, you will take it." Louis Earl continued to make a coffee.

"You are not afraid that I will peek at your royal secret?" Blue Qian Yu said.

"I maybe you will become mine in the future, what is the terrible?" Louis Mud stared at her.

"Saizes to tell you." Blue Qian Yu took the past, found the drawer according to Louis, did not lock, she opened it directly, found the contract, and took it to the sofa. Take carefully.

Blue Qian Yu did not understand what to do business, now it seems that things on the mall are really not easy. This is just a preliminary agreement contract, and every provision is very detailed, and There are many professional terms.

Fortunately, I have read a lot of legal information because of the case of Night flames. I have some experience and know what to pay attention to.

Blue Qian Yu is carefully reading, Louis Earl is sitting quietly looking at her, she is really beautiful, even if she is so quiet, she is in a suffocating beauty.

He looked at her this, and his heartbeat will accelerate, and his mind is full of dramatic. .

Time passed, nearly one and a half hours, Blue Qian Yu finally finished reading this contract, frowned, and dignified: "It seems that this is really a preliminary agreement contract, which only wrote the development after cooperation. Direction, probably cooperative project, and three parties have cooperation, without any constraints, there is only one simulation, if there is no accident, will be signed smoothly, but all decisions are in the hands of Backer. "

After saying these words, she deeply sighed, looked at the Earl of Louis, "Why don't you talk?"

"You are so beautiful, you will be fascinated, let me forget to talk." Louis counterer looked at her.

Blue Qianyu avoids his eyes and will give him a contract: "It seems that this contract can help me, I still have to find Danya's help."

"Dennea will not help you." Louis Bo took the contract, smiled, "unless I opened."

Blue Qianyu slightly, can't help but remember the last time, the same situation seems to have happened again. Last, the Earl of Louis helped her, the judge promised to post the day of the court.

And she also paid a price, and she sacrificed the color phase at a point, and the Louis Earl was closed at the critical moment.

But later, he also clearly states that if there is another chance, he can't let go of her.

So this time, Blue Qian Yu did not dare to agree.

"One night!" Louis March smashed near Blue Qianyu, exclusive, "as long as you accompany me for a night, I will help you solve this problem."

Blue Qian Yu is very nervous, he is afraid to look at him: "I thought it passed so much, you have already understood someone else, but unfortunately there is still no ..."

"I respect you." Louis Earl provoked her chin, "Otherwise I won't ask for your consent. Do you know? If I really want to get a woman, I don't need to spend so much, I have a lot. Means can force you to climb my bed, but I don't ... I don't want to barely, I hope that one day, you can give you yourself will give me yourself. "

"It's impossible." Blue Qianyu twisted out, avoiding his hand, "I will not betray the flame."

"Unfortunately, he has lived soon." Louis Earl is quite sympathetic, "" cancer cell spread, only 30% of success, even if it is successful, no guarantee will not be the third recurrence. His destiny, really what……"

"How do you know?" "Blue Qian Yu looked at him.

"I am afraid you will scare you." Louis Earl looked at her. "This news, I was heard from the Wemewood, just before it."

"What do you say?" "Blue Qian Yu is shocked," How can he know? "

"He has always monitored the night flaming, never laverse, it is to be loose." Louis Earl said seriously, "this news, I am afraid that I will spread it, when I will face it again!" Thousands of feathers, the night flames have worker, this time, if there is no help you, you can't spend the difficulties, I ... is your only savior !!! "

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