"How could this be……"

Blue Qian Yu is panicked, and the night flames are hard to maintain the family's base industry. After the health is throwing, if the company has a problem now, all his heart is in a white fee.

Thinking of this, Blue Qian Yu immediately called the night flames, and the Earl of Louis said, "It's too late, the news has passed the Internet, and it has not stopped."

"Why don't you tell me earlier?" Blue Qian Yu is excited, "you deliberately drag it now, just want to force me to satisfaction?"

The eyebrows of Louis Earl are slightly frowned, and she looked at her: "In your heart, I am the despicable person?"

"I received a message before an hour, why did you say it now?" Blue Qian Yu is very annoying.

In the eyes of Louis, it was clear that he was angry. He stared at the blue millet, and he didn't say a word.

Blue Qian Yu is staring at him, and you will go.

"I know, the news has passed the Internet." Louis Earl suddenly said, "" Withdrawing a single scanning map and the photo of the night flames, the online news spread is the fastest, you must, your home is always known I have a few seconds better than I am. "

When I heard these words, the stone in Blue Qianyu was more heavy. It turned out that she misunderstood Louis Earl. More importantly, this thing has already arrived, even if it is now useful to crush the news, it has already been too late.

This news came out, the night's shares have turmoil, and the investors have to mess up. What should I do?

Blue Qian Yu suddenly thought of an important issue: "Wenhai uses this reason to convince Bakhard cancellation contract?"

"Yes." Louis, I nodded, and stood up. "Bacha is not a credit, since it reached a preliminary agreement, he will not change the idea. But now the night flames, and it is almost no The kind of saving, he is definitely impossible to take his own business to take risks. "

Donned, he added again. "Of course, I am also informed that after you know that news, I don't know. It is not intentionally concealing you."

"Just now, I misunderstood you, sorry." Blue Qian Yu apologized to him.

"You are not sorry, I am, I have a lot of love, pick it up, and I'm sneaked.

"I don't mean, sorry ..." Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed, "I am sensitive, I am careful, I apologize to you, you don't be angry."

Louis Bo took the mouth, generous: "Ok, I am not small, forgive you once."

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu Yang lipped, but also want to say something, suddenly came to knock on the door, Zhao Jun anxiously reported, "less lady, accident."

Blue Qianyu quickly opened the door: "What?"

"The owner has been sick, and now the major media are reported." Zhao Jun said anxiously. "Now the whole night is open, the media reporters are all blocked downstairs , The company's big customers and some investors have exploded the owner's phone, and ... "

"And what?" Blue Qian Yu asked anxiously, "You said."

"Mr. Bacle officially made a understanding of the owner, the owner is now busy, and it has been treated, but he did not go to Dr. Jiang, but has been handled in the company."

"How can this be ??" Blue Qian Yu is excited, even busy calling the night flames, the phone can no one answer.

Louis Capi looked at Blue Thousand Yu Xiangxiang, and the eyes were flashing with complex rays. Her feelings were in the night flames. No matter what is difficult, she will not abandon him, and only want to help him solve it. She is totally different from other women.

At this time, Zhao Jun's mobile phone also rang, he quickly listened: "Vice President, what ???? I immediately came back."

"What happened? What happened?" Lin Qian Yu asked.

"The president of Li, who said the owner fainted, and spit a lot of blood, they all scared." Zhao Jun is in urgent to burns, "Young Mrs., we hurry back."

"Okay ..." Blue Qian Yu is preparing to leave, and the car is suddenly transmitted, followed by reporting, "The Earl, Mrs. Deni is coming."

Blue Qian Yu is holding footsteps, there is some hesitation in my heart, now she can't help but help, she knows that night flames, if the company's problem cannot be solved, he will never be relieved.

The night group is a grandfather, the hard work, has experienced three generations, and the mission of the night flame is very strong. He will die will not let the night in him.

As the granular woman of the night home, she feels that she has a responsibility to help the night flames, even if she is still at all.

"Want? I will send you." Louis Bot was rushed.

Blue Qian Yu looks back at him.

"I said, I will never be reluctant to do anything." Louis Capi smiled faint, "including help me!"

Blue Qian Yu low, silent for a few seconds, whispered: "Now you can help me."

"You are asking me?" Louis Earl looked at her.

"Is it." Blue Qian Yu no longer hesitated, "As long as you can help me with this difficult time, I promise you anything."

"Really?" Louis Earl looked at her.

"Young Mrs. ..." Zhao Jun asked immediately, "You can't agree with him, if he is known by the owner, he will not let you do this."

"I have nothing to do with you, you don't work." Blue Qian Yu frowned low.

"How can I not care?" Zhao Jun is anxious, "I will ordered you if you have any problems, the owner will not let me."

"Shut up!" The command of Blue Qian Yu, "You go to the company first."

"Lady ..."

"This is a command." Blue Qian Yu did not give Zhao Jun as an opportunity.

Zhao Jun complex looks at her, hesitating, and finally, he ordered it ...

Until Zhao Jun walked out of the villa, Blue Qian Yu looked back at Louis Earl, Louis Earl slowly approached her, provoked her chin by hand; "Apologize, I have to add chips, now, I want, not one night, but , Your second half! "

"You ..." Blue Qian Yu looked at him, "How can you like this?"

Louis Earl smiled slightly: "The situation is different, before, Buckle did not formally announce the contract, now officially announced that things can be solved, not to mention, you are solving the problem in front of you, if you want to help the night If you have the difficulties, you must help the night flame shovel in addition to the warm sea, completely solve the worries after solving !!! "

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